
2019年10月9日 | 分类: 域名后缀


.GA 是加蓬共和国(Gabon)国家顶级域名(ccTLD)后缀。

域名管理机构: Agence Nationale des Infrastructures Numériques et des Fréquences (ANINF)



National Agency of Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies (ANINF) provides construction and management of shared national transport and connectivity infrastructure in Gabon.
The Agency is the secular arm of the States in the implementation of the Sector Plan Gabon Numérique, declension o the Strategic Plan Gabon Emergent which aims to make Gabon digital job in Central Africa.
The digital Gabonese plan been developed on the belief that digital is an accelerating vector of the other sectors in Gabon. It’s divided in four points :
-Build the legal and regulatory framework of the Digital Economy
– Build and secure the Digital Infrastructure
– Set up the states unifed registers and ensure the coherence of the information system
– Implement the E-Governement
Created by presidential decree on January 27, 2011, the National Agency of Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies (ANINF) is a major player in the Gabonese government in the implementation of the national strategy for digital development in Gabon.
The missions of the ANINF
The National Agency of Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies has for mission to develop the digital infrastructure on the whole of the national territory Gabon and to develop in a coherent way e-Government applications.
ANINF also needs to harmoniously manage the frequency spectrum and control resources related to IT, audiovisual and telecommunication investments in the Republic of Gabon.


注册:€18.00 until 2023-06-30 then €26.00 /year


义项:以 +ga 结尾的单词








加蓬共和国收回GA域名管理权限 撤销Freenom注册/管理 请GA用户关注

据加蓬共和国国家数字基础设施和频率局 (ANINF) 发布的通知,从 2023 年 6 月 7 日开始 ANINF 将对 GA 域名进行技术迁移,后续将 ANINF 将管理这些域名。
GA 域名是加蓬共和国的国家和地区顶级域名 (ccTLD),本次调整实际上是 Facebook 母公司 Meta 起诉域名注册商 Freenom 的后续。
2023 年 3 月 3 日 Meta 在美国加州法院起诉 Freenom,指控 Freenom 存在域名抢注和商标侵权,究其原因主要是 Freenom 提供不少免费域名的注册,而诈骗团伙本着能白嫖就白嫖的态度,注册了大量这些免费域名在 Facebook 和其他平台上进行钓鱼。
让 Meta 生气的是即便该公司发函给 Freenom,Freenom 也继续提供这些钓鱼域名的注册,也不采取适当措施阻止诈骗团伙注册域名,最终 Meta 选择起诉 Freenom。
被起诉后 Freenom 立即停止了 TK 域名、CF 域名、GA 域名、GQ 域名、ML 域名的注册,TK 域名是南太平洋托克劳的顶级域名,CF 是中非共和国的顶级域名,GA 是加蓬的顶级域名,GQ 是赤道几内亚的顶级域名,ML 是马里的顶级域名。
现在加蓬认为这些 GA 域名被用于诈骗,实际上会损害加蓬在国际上的名声,既然如此那必须撤销 Freenom 的注册权限,同时对其他注册商进行认证。
ANINF 在公告中称,本次收回管理权限主要有两个目的,第一个目的是提供符合注册管理机构行业标准的优质服务;第二个是结束滥用行为,避免对加蓬名誉产生影响。
为此 ANINF 几周前已经对注册服务商展开认证活动,确保这些服务商提供最高服务质量和安全标准,认证后的这些服务商将可以注册和管理 GA 域名。

GA 域名持有者请注意:
自 2023 年 6 月 6 日起,GA 域名持有者包括通过 Freenom 注册的 GA 域名持有者,都将切换到 ANINF 管理,建议用户通过 http://www.mon.ga/ / http://www.monpoint.ga/登记注册信息,避免后续这些域名出现解析中断或所有者权限异常等问题。注:上述域名目前访问 502 原因未知

.GA domains names migrated from Freenom to Gabonese government

Last updated on: June 6, 2023 by Elvis Nyakangi

.GA 域名从弗里诺姆迁移到加蓬政府
加蓬共和国宣布,自 2023 年 6 月 3 日起,它将完全控制 Freenom 的国家顶级域名 (TLD) .ga。加蓬政府终止了与Freenom的合同,原因是.ga扩展名下的域名普遍滥用。
.GA 从 Freenom 到 ANINF 时间线的过渡
到 2023 年 6 月 7 日,.ga 域名的管理权将移交给 ANINF。在过渡期间,ANINF将寻求Afnic的技术和业务援助。Afnic将支持加蓬政府管理域名转让的技术方面,并确保平稳过渡。
.GA 域名删除
为了尽量减少这些删除的影响,ANINF 计划联系拥有 .ga 域的客户。ANINF将努力在过渡期间通知和协助域名所有者。如果您拥有 .ga 域名,则需要等待转换完成,以确定您是否能够保留您的域名。但是,如果您使用的是与您的域关联的无效联系人,则您的域很可能会被删除。

国家数字基础设施和频率局(ANINF)是一个负责管理加蓬共和国数字基础设施和频率的组织。这包括监督该国的 TLD 并确保其正确管理和使用。

.GA domains names migrated from Freenom to Gabonese government
The Gabonese Republic has announced that it will take full control of its national top-level domain (TLD), .ga, from Freenom, effective from June 3, 2023. The Gabonese government terminated its contract with Freenom due to widespread abuse of domain names under the .ga extension.
.GA transition from Freenom to ANINF timeline
By June 7, 2023, the management of .ga domain names will be transferred to ANINF. During the transition period, the ANINF will seek technical and operational assistance from Afnic. Afnic will support the Gabonese government in managing the technical aspects of the domain names transfer and ensuring a smooth transition.
.GA domain names deletion
Currently, there are estimated to be over 7 million domain names registered under the ‘.ga’ TLD (according to ANINF report). However, several million of these domain names are expected to be deleted as Freenom has not provided the necessary data regarding them.
To minimize the impact of these deletions, ANINF plans to reach out to customers who own .ga domains. The ANINF will make efforts to inform and assist domain owners during the transition period. If you own a .ga domain, you will need to wait for the completion of the transition to determine whether you will be able to retain your domain or not. However, if you were using invalid contacts associated with your domain, there is a high likelihood that your domain will be deleted.


The National Agency for Numerical Infrastructure and Frequencies (ANINF) is an organization responsible for managing the digital infrastructure and frequencies in the Gabonese Republic. This includes overseeing the country’s TLDs and ensuring their proper administration and usage.