
2022年2月28日 | 分类: 域名后缀


.SA 是沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)的国家及地区顶级域名(ccTLD)后缀。

域名管理机构:Communications, Space and Technology Commission



非政府用途的.SA 注册行为需要由授权注册商完成。

沙特阿拉伯 .sa 域名注册须符合以下条件之一:沙特阿拉伯注册的公司或团体,必需提交有效的商业登记证副本。申请的域名与公司名称一致,并且每一家公司或团体只允许申请一个域名。持有《商标国际注册马德里协议》下注册的国际商标证书或沙特阿拉伯本地注册的商标证书,申请的域名与商标名称一致。

已开放域名后缀:.sa / .com.sa / .net.sa / .org.sa

Nameservers must be configured and return an authoritative answer before the domain is requested.
Local address of the domain owner is required.
Local address of the domain administrative contract is required.
The domain name must be similar to the company name.
A copy of trademark documentation is required.

沙特阿拉伯有三家通讯运营商,分别是Zain KSA、 STC和Eitihad Etisala company,分别对应的是不同的GSM和CDMA。


1 SR
1 沙特里亚尔
86.09 SR 约等于 158 人民币。

注册:$39.35 续费:$34.17 转移:$34.17

注册:$69.99 续费:$76.99 转移:$69.99


.SA 网域名称

.SA,代表数字世界中的沙特阿拉伯。在这篇博文中,我们将详细了解 .SA 域名、其注册要求、在哪里注册,以及为什么它们对企业来说是不可或缺的,特别是考虑到 NEOM 和沙特政府的渐进式改革等最新发展。
什么是 .SA 域名?

.SA 就像任何其他 ccTLD(国家代码顶级域名)一样,它代表分配给沙特阿拉伯数字空间的 2 个字符。您网站的 .SA 域名不仅表明您与沙特市场的隶属关系或对沙特市场的兴趣,而且还提供了一个机会,为当地受众量身定制您的在线形象,培养更牢固的联系和可信度。
.SA ccTLD 下的 TLD 和 SLD
.sa ccTLD 下的可用扩展名

注册 .SA 域名的注册要求

1. 申请表 – 您的注册商将提供此表格。

2. 沙特阿拉伯商标注册证书或商标商标出版物的签名副本



3. 致沙特主管部门要求提供域名的信函


请参阅 KSA New SaudiNic 信函




最佳注册商 .SA 网域名称

虽然有许多注册商提供 .SA TLD,但如果您是本地公司,最好的选择是向本地提供商或沙特阿拉伯的知名国际注册商注册。现在,如果您想注册一家非本地公司,最好的选择是在 AEserver 注册。他们在处理 .SA 域名方面拥有丰富的经验,并且总部位于阿联酋以外,他们提供更好的注册价格。

注册 .SA 域名的决定不仅仅是一个技术问题,更是对公司未来的战略投资。通过抓住 .SA 域名带来的机遇并利用它们建立强大的在线形象,企业可以在沙特阿拉伯数字经济的动态环境中取得成功。随着 NEOM 和其他变革性项目的形成,现在是时候确保您在沙特数字生态系统中的地位了。

.SA Domains

.SA, represents Saudi Arabia in the digital world. In this blog post, we’ll learn more about .SA domains, their registration requirements, where to register them, and why they have become indispensable for businesses, particularly in light of recent developments such as NEOM and the Saudi government’s progressive reforms.
What are .SA domains?

.SA is just like any other ccTLD(country code top level domain), it represents the 2 characters assigned to the Saudi Arabian Digital Space. .SA domain for your website not only indicates your affiliation with or interest in the Saudi market but also provides an opportunity to tailor your online presence to local audiences, fostering stronger connections and credibility.
TLDs & SLDs under .SA ccTLD
available extensions under .sa ccTLD

Registration Requirements to register .SA Domains

1. Application Form – your registrar will provide this.

2. Trademark Registration Certificate or signed copy of TM publication in Saudi Arabia

It is mandatory to trademark the exact domain name of the applicant

*If the applicant holds a certificate of incorporation in Saudi Arabia, the TM registration certificate will no longer be required

3. A letter addressed to SaudiNic Administration requesting the domain name

On the applicant’s letterhead

See KSA New SaudiNic Letter

Company STAMP is a must

(source: https://my.aeserver.com/knowledgebase/130/Saudi-Arabia-.SA.html)

and bear in mind. Unlike your standard .com domain, this one is manually processed/inspected and approved. Obviously, the registration takes a bit of time and standard time to register with AEserver is approximately 7-10 Days(once all documents are submitted) and the duration can stretch too, depending on registry’s mood ;).

Best Registrar for .SA domain

While there are many registrar offering the .SA TLD, if you are a local company, your best bet is to register with a local provider or the well known international registrar available in Saudi Arabia. Now, if you are trying to register for an non-local company, the best bet is to register with AEserver. They have tons of experience while dealing with the .SA domains and being based out of UAE they offer better registration pricing.

The decision to register a .SA domain is more than just a technicality—it’s a strategic investment in your company’s future. By embracing the opportunities presented by .SA domains and leveraging them to build a strong online presence, businesses can position themselves for success in the dynamic landscape of Saudi Arabia’s digital economy. As NEOM and other transformative projects take shape, now is the time to secure your place in the Kingdom’s digital ecosystem.