WHOIS.AI Auction FAQ [2023版]

2023年8月27日 | 分类: 域名后缀



  1. 谁可以对 .ai 域名进行竞价?
    任何登录 auction.whois.ai 并存入 100 美元的人都可以参加。
  2. 需要多少押金?
    已连续 6 个月或更长时间付费购买域名的老牌可靠用户只需存入 100 美元即可出价任意金额。我们将其他人视为“高风险用户”。其中包括从未为域名付费或为域名付费时间少于 6 个月的新用户。此外,任何拥有赢得的域名但在过去 6 个月内未付费的用户都是“高风险用户”。 “高风险用户”必须存入 100 美元或他们为每个域名出价的 2%,以较大者为准。
  3. 如果我不为赢得的域名付费会怎样?
    对于您未付款的每个域名,您将损失 100 美元或出价金额的 2%,以较高者为准。该域名将在下个月返回拍卖池。在 2 周的付款期后,系统会自动将未付款的域名放入下个月的拍卖池中。管理员没有能力延长付款期限,所以请不要询问。
  4. 正常注册的一般 .ai 常见问题解答在哪里?
  5. 我如何存入 100 美元?
    转到“帐户”,然后在底部附近显示“帐户信用”的地方单击“使用信用卡添加”。然后输入 100 美元并单击“添加信用”。然后点击“立即付款”。然后输入您的信用卡号并确认。
  6. 我的卡出现问题,
    请等待 20 分钟,然后重试。通常我们的系统会在 10 分钟内自行纠正问题。如果 20 分钟后您的余额没有增加,并且您的在线信用卡对帐单显示它有效,请发送一封包含帐户名称、时间和金额的电子邮件。我们会修复它。如果您没有等待,现在有两项费用,我们也可以解决这个问题。如果出现此类计费错误,我们将给予您 50 美元的信用额度以示歉意。
  7. 如果我没有中奖,我可以获得信用卡退款吗?
    您可以在接下来的几个月内保留您的积分。如果是在您付款后 3 个月内,您可以将押金退还至您的信用卡,并扣除 20 美元的费用。 3 个月后,我的银行不允许我退款,所以我们等到 6 个月后(以保护我免受退款),可以通过比特币(免费)或 Paypal(3.5% 费用)或电汇(100 美元)退款费用)。
  8. 如果我没有获胜,我可以获得电汇退款吗?
    如果您通过电汇付款,您可以通过电汇获得退款,但除了沿途任何方向的损失外,还要支付 100 美元的费用。没有时间限制。
  9. 如果我没有获胜,我可以获得 BTC 退款吗?
    如果您使用比特币支付,那么您可以获得等值美元的退款,减去 20 美元。所以它可能不是相同数量的 BTC,因为 BTC 价格不可能相同。没有时间限制。
  10. 如何获得待拍卖域名的完整列表?
  11. 该帐户是否与任何其他帐户关联?
    不可以。auction.whois.ai 上的帐户是独立帐户。但是,如果您在 epp.whois.ai 上有一个帐户,并且拍卖总赢额超过 1000 美元,并且希望我将一些积分从那里转移到 auction.whois.ai,我会(最多每月一次)。如果金额低于 1000 美元,请通过信用卡支付。如果您想执行此操作,auction.whois.ai 上的帐户应与 epp.whois.ai 上的帐户具有相同的名称和电子邮件地址。
  12. 拍卖会什么时候举行?
  13. 起拍价是多少?
    最低起拍价为 140 美元。如果您看到 #bids 为 0,则表示尚未有人出价,您可以以 140 美元开始出价。请注意,域名还有 1.5 到 2 年的时间到期。
  14. 招标如何进行?
    与 ebay.com 一样,您指定最高自动出价。如果这高于当前出价,您的实际出价将仅比当前出价高 10 美元。如果其他人提高出价超过该出价,那么您的出价可能会再次上涨,只要它低于您的最高自动出价即可。
  15. 如果逾期出价会怎样?
  16. 如果没有人对域名出价会怎样?
  17. 无人出价 (nobids) 的域名何时会被释放?
    安圭拉时间周二中午左右,即大部分拍卖结束后的第二天,任何未竞标的域名都将被释放。之后任何人都可以注册它们。如果您有兴趣获取每月要删除的名称的副本,请在拍卖结束后单击“当前拍卖”页面上的“导出无投标拍卖”。您还可以通过 nobid 列表
  18. 拍卖结束后多久需要付款?
    从拍卖结束之日起,您有整整 2 周的时间。因此,如果周一中午关门,那么您必须等到两周后的周一中午。如果有较晚的竞价,并且直到 2:30 才结束,那么您将一直到 2:30。您应该在您的帐户中存入积分,然后系统将在上午时段尝试使用该积分来支付域名费用。我们这样做是为了在拍卖结束时不会进行付款,因为这导致了一些紧急问题。请注意,电汇可能需要一周时间。您应该立即处理付款。不要等到最后。
  19. 我如何电汇钱?
  20. 如果我只投入足够的资金来支付我赢得的部分域名,会发生什么情况?
    我们将使用您帐户中的资金从最便宜的域名开始支付域名费用,直到您没有足够的资金来支付另一个域名的费用,并且仍然为我们剩下的每个域名支付 100 美元的费用,然后我们将收取以下 100 美元的费用:其余域。您的帐户中的这些费用可能会减少至负 500 美元。我们收取费用的域名将进入下个月的拍卖。
  21. 除了信用卡之外,我还可以使用其他方式付款吗?
    是的,您还可以通过电汇或比特币付款。我们有一个视频展示了如何通过比特币支付。请前往付款了解更多信息。请注意,电汇并非所有款项都会通过,因此您应该额外发送或期望通过信用卡支付少量金额。如果您的消费超过 5000 美元,我们真的不希望您使用信用卡。如果您通过比特币付款,自 2023 年 4 月 10 日起,您将获得 5% 的额外奖励。这可能会发生变化,我们将尽力更新此常见问题解答。
  22. 域名多久可以转让?
    如果您通过比特币或电汇付款,您可以立即转移域名。如果您使用信用卡付款,则需要 60 天的延迟才能转账;但是,您可以在付款后第二天设置联系信息和域名服务器,这样您就可以立即开始使用该域名。
  23. 您如何进行转账?
  24. 有转账费用吗?
    “.ai”注册机构更改了系统,以便在域名从拍卖.whois.ai 转移时不再收费。我们希望您在获得许可后立即将域移出该计算机。该规定自 2019 年 4 月 15 日起生效,不具有追溯力。一些注册商可能仍会对这些转移收取费用。请注意,如果您拥有超过 50 个域名,您可以在 epp.whoi.ai 上获得自己的注册商帐户,这样您就不会因从拍卖.whois.ai 转移出去而被收取费用。请参阅epp 常见问题解答。请注意,epp.whois.ai 在尝试转账之前需要在您的帐户中存入资金,但如果是从 auction.whois.ai 到 epp.whois.ai,则不会使用任何资金。
  25. 我可以只在auction.whois.ai 上留下域名吗?
    auction.whois.ai 上无法续订域名。我们希望您将它们转移到常规注册商帐户。这就是我们不向注册服务商收取转让费的部分原因。如果您不移动它们,它们就会过期。请立即将它们移走。不要等。拍卖系统上的域名没有宽限期,因为无法逾期付款或根本无法付款。如果域名在auction.whois.ai 上过期,它将再次进行拍卖。
  26. 如何查看我在 auction.whois.ai 上仍然拥有哪些域名?
    如果您点击“订单”页面中的“有效”,您可以看到您付费购买的哪些域名仍在 auciton.whois.ai 上。请尽快将它们移走。
  27. 如何更新联系人和域名服务器?
  28. 如何输入 CNAME 和 TXT 记录?
  29. 您的公司或员工是否参与拍卖?
  30. 拍卖后,域名将支付多少时间?
    该域名应该有 1 到 2 年的使用期限,但您应该在 1 年内将其从 auction.whois.ai 上移走。
  31. 我可以使用两因素身份验证来提高安全性吗?
    是的。您可以通过编辑您的帐户详细信息(登录后在菜单栏中单击您的用户名)来为您的帐户启用Authy 。我们会在您的计算机上存储一个 cookie,这样您就不必每次都进行 Authy。如果您不需要此 cookie,请在完成后注销,该 cookie 将被删除。
  32. 我现在可以花 X 美元购买一个域名吗?
    我们没有任何“立即购买”价格。所有域名都必须经历整个 10 天的拍卖过程。没有捷径或方法可以绕过这个问题。
  33. 需要电子邮件吗?
  34. 如何获取授权码以进行转移
    您可以转到域名订单。如果经过了足够的时间,将会出现一个“传输授权码”按钮,您可以点击该按钮。如果您通过 Visa 或 Mastercard 付款,可能需要 60 天才能到账。如果您通过比特币或电汇付款,它应该会更快显示。如果您是老客户,它应该会更快出现。
  35. 我如何获得发票?
  36. 该网站看起来与 park.io 类似。
  37. 如果商标或 UDRP 受到质疑怎么办?
    如果您或您的客户拥有与域名冲突的商标,并且您在拍卖开始前联系我们,我们会将域名转让给您。如果您拥有 foobar.xy 并拥有证明 foobar 上商标的文件,我们可以向您发送电子邮件(例如 [email protected]),然后我们将向您发送 foobar.ai 的授权码(如果它要被拍卖但拍卖)还没有开始。
  38. 如果我不小心竞标拼写错误的域名怎么办?
  39. 我如何查看我欠了多少钱?
    如果用户有未结余额,UI 会在该用户的“帐户详细信息”页面(即连接到“帐户”链接的页面)的“帐户信用”部分中显示“未结余额:$[余额]”。导航菜单)在 2 周付款期内。除了用户帐户余额和未结余额之外,系统还将显示“需要额外资金”,以便用户知道还需要多少资金。
    除了显示此信息的 UI 之外,当拍卖结束时,获胜者还会收到一封电子邮件,通知他向其帐户添加积分。
    此外,系统会在 2 周付款期到期之前多次通过电子邮件向每个用户发送未清余额。在此付款期限到期后,拍卖的域名将被释放以重新拍卖,并且用户需要为每个未付款的域名支付 100 美元或中标出价的 2%(以较大者为准)。
  40. 如果我的问题在这里没有得到解答怎么办?
    如果您向 [email protected] 发送电子邮件,主题中某处包含特殊词 AI3DOM,那么 Vince 就会知道您已阅读常见问题解答并回复您的电子邮件。它还将电子邮件过滤为高优先级电子邮件。他经常回复其他电子邮件,但会优先回复已阅读常见问题解答的人。仅在第一封电子邮件中需要这样做。
  41. 银行商户网站披露
    1. 商户网址:auction.whois.ai
    2. 商家联系方式:[email protected] 1(264)497-3255
    3. 条款和条件 – 请参阅上面常见问题解答的其余部分
    4. 退货/退款政策 – 退还未使用余额的手续费为 20 美元。
    5. 交付政策 – 域名将在您付款后 3 小时内激活。
    6. 隐私政策 – 我们遵守欧盟关于 WHOIS 提供的域名注册人信息的隐私政策。
    7. 卡标记品牌用途:我们仅接受 Visa 和 Mastercard。
    8. 所提供商品和服务的完整描述。我们拍卖“.ai”域名并注册它们。有关更多详细信息,请参阅上面的常见问题解答。
    9. 交易货币 – 所有价格和交易均以美元为单位。
    10. 支付卡详细信息传输的安全合作和政策。为了进行支付,用户会被发送到一个窗口,其中信息通过安全 SSL 连接直接发送到支付处理器。卡的详细信息永远不会出现在我们的网站或我们的服务器上。


Auction FAQ and Terms & Conditions

  1. Who can bid on .ai domains?
    Anyone who makes a login on auction.whois.ai and deposits $100 can participate.
  2. How much deposit is needed?
    Established reliable users who have paid for domains without fail for 6 months or more only need to deposit $100 to bid any amount. We view everyone else as as “high risk users”. These include new users who have never paid for domains, or paid for domains for less than 6 months. Also, any users who had any domains that they won but did not pay for in the last 6 months is a “high risk user”. The “high risk users” must deposit $100 or 2% of the amount they are bidding for each domains, whichever is larger.
  3. What happens if I don’t pay for a domain I won?
    For each domain you don’t pay for you forfeit $100 or 2% of the bid amount, whichever is larger. The domain goes back to the auction pool for the next month. The system automatically puts unpaid domains into the next months auction pool after the 2 weeks payment period. The admin does not have the ability to extend the payment period, so please do not ask.
  4. Where is the general .ai FAQ for normal registrations?
    The general FAQ is at faq.html
  5. How do I deposit $100?
    Go to “account”, then near the bottom where it says “Account credit” Click “add with credit card”. Then enter $100 and click “Add credit”. Then click “Pay Now”. Then enter your credit card number and confirm.
  6. There was a problem with my card
    Please wait 20 minutes before trying again. Often our system will correct a problem on its own in 10 minutes. If your balance is not increased after 20 minutes, and your online credit card statement shows that it worked, then send an email with the account name, time, and amount. We will fix it. If you did not wait, and now have two charges, we can fix that too. We will give you a $50 credit if there is a billing error like this as an apology.
  7. Can I get a Credit Card refund if I don’t win?
    You can keep your credits for following months. If it is within 3 months of when you paid you can have your deposit refunded to your credit card less a $20 fee. After 3 months my bank won’t let me refund a card, so then we wait till after 6 months (to protect me against chargebacks) and can refund with Bitcoin (no charge) or Paypal (3.5% fee), or wire ($100 fee).
  8. Can I get a wire refund if I don’t win?
    If you paid by wire you can get a refunds by wire but there is a $100 fee on top of whatever is lost along the way in either direction. There is no time limit.
  9. Can I get a BTC refund if I don’t win?
    If you paid by Bitcoin then you can get the current dollar equivalent refunded less $20. So it is probably not be the same amount of BTC, since BTC price is unlikely to be the same. There is no time limit.
  10. How can I get a full list of domains up for auction?
    Go to the main auction page and over on the right click on the word “export”.
  11. Is this account linked to any other account?
    No. Accounts on auction.whois.ai are stand alone accounts. However, if you have an account on epp.whois.ai and have a total auction win of more than $1000, and want me to move some credit from there to auction.whois.ai I will (at most once per month). If it is less than $1000 please just pay by credit card. If you want to do this the account on auction.whois.ai should have the same name and same email as on epp.whois.ai.
  12. When are the auctions?
    The auctions start on the 4th Friday of the month at noon Anguilla time. They go for 10 days, so till noon the second Monday after that. With late bidding it can be extended.
  13. What is the starting bid?
    The mimimum starting bid is $140 US. If you see #bids is 0, it means nobody has bid yet, and you can start the bidding at $140 US. Note the domain will have between 1.5 and 2 years till expiration.
  14. How does the bidding work?
    Like ebay.com you specify a maximum automatic bid. If this is higher than the current bid your actual bid will just be $10 over the current bid. If someone else increases their bid over that then your bid could go up again, as long as it is below your maximum automatic bid.
  15. What happens if there is late bidding?
    We don’t want someone to be able to just bid a bit more at the very last second and win. The “maximum automatic bid” above mostly takes care of this but we also extend an the auction if there is late bidding. If there is late bidding the end time will be adjusted so there is an hour left after the last bid. So auctions may go past Noon Anguilla time on Monday, if they are active near the end.
  16. What happens if nobody bids on a domain?
    Then it will be fully deleted. After this it would not exist but anyone could register it just like a new name someone thinks of.
  17. When are domains that nobody bids on (nobids) freed up?
    On Tuesday about noon Anguilla time, the day after most of the auction closes, any domains that were not bid on will be freed up. Anyone could register them after that. If you are interested in getting a copy of the names to be deleted each month click on “Export No Bid Auctions” on the “Current Auctions” page after the auction has ended. You can also get past nobid lists.
  18. How long do you have to pay after the auction finishes?
    You have exactly 2 weeks from the time the auction closes. So if it closes at noon Monday, you have till noon Monday 2 weeks later. If there was late bidding and it did not close till 2:30 then you would have till 2:30. You should put credit in your account and then the system will attempt to use the credit to pay for domains in the AM hours. We did this so that payments are not going on when an auction is finishing as that had caused some urgent problems. Note that wire transfers can take a week. You should take care of payments right away. Do not wait till the end.
  19. How do I wire money?
    See these wire instructions.
  20. What happens if I only put enough money to pay for a portion of the domains I won?
    We will use funds in your account to pay for domains starting from the cheapest one till you don’t have enough to pay for another domain and still leave us with the $100 fee for each of the remaining domains then we will collect the $100 fee for the remaining domains. Your account can go down to negative $500 from these fees. The domains we collect the fee for will go into the next month’s auction.
  21. Can I pay by anything other than credit card?
    Yes, you can also pay by wire transfer or Bitcoin. We have a video showing how to pay by Bitcoin. Go to payments for more information. Note for wire transfers that not all the money gets through, so you should either send extra or expect to do some small amount by credit card. If you are doing more than $5000 we really don’t want you to use credit card. If you are paying by Bitcoin you will get 5% extra posted to your account as of Apr 10, 2023. This may change and we will try to keep this FAQ up to date.
  22. How soon is the domain transferable?
    If you pay by Bitcoin or wire transfer you can transfer the domain right away. If you pay by Credit Card there is a 60 day delay before you can transfer; however, you can set the contact information and nameservers the day after you pay, so you can start using the domain right away.
  23. How do you do a transfer?
    You click on the domain and then get the “auth code”. Then you login at the registry you want to move to and do a “transfer” and enter in the domain name and the auth code.
  24. Is there a transfer cost?
    The “.ai” registry changed the system so that it no longer charges when domains are transferred off auction.whois.ai. We would like you to move domains off this machine as soon as you are permitted to do so. This is effective as of apr 15, 2019 and not retroactive. Some registrars may still charge for these transfers. Note that if you have more than 50 domains you can get your own registrar account on epp.whoi.ai so you would not be charged for transfers away from auction.whois.ai. See epp faq. Note that epp.whois.ai will require money in your account before it attempts a transfer but if it is from auction.whois.ai to epp.whois.ai it will not use any money.
  25. Can I just leave domains on auction.whois.ai?
    There is no way to renew domains on auction.whois.ai. We want you to move them off to a regular registrar account. This is part of why we don’t charge regisrars a transfer fee. If you do not move them they will expire. Please move them off right away. Do not wait. There is no grace period for domains on the auction system as there is no way to pay late or at all. If the domain expires on auction.whois.ai it will go up for auction again.
  26. How do I see what domains I still have on auction.whois.ai?
    If you click on “Active” in the “Orders” page you can see what domains you paid for that are still on auciton.whois.ai. Please move them off as quickly as you can.
  27. How do I update contacts and nameservers?
    Click the Orders tab, then click the domain you want to update. Note that nameserver changes can take a couple hours to show up. Please be patient.
  28. How do I put in a CNAME and a TXT record?
    These kinds of records go in the nameservers that you specify. At our site you just set the nameservers. Then go to where your nameservers are and configure all the records you want.
  29. Does your company or employees bid in auctions?
    No, we do not. Nobody from The Government of Anguilla or anywhere else will be bidding just to manipulate prices on our behalf. We really just want to sell these and really do want a clean auction.
  30. After an auction, how much time will the domain be paid for?
    There should be 1 to 2 years on the domain but you should move it off auction.whois.ai within 1 year.
  31. Can I use 2 factor authentication to improve security?
    Yes. You can turn Authy for your account by editing your account details (click on your username in the menu bar after you log in). We will store a cookie on your computer so you don’t have to do Authy each time. If you do not want this cookie then log out when you are finished and the cookie will be removed.
  32. Can I just by a domain now for $X?
    We do not have any “buy it now” prices. All domains must go through the whole 10 day auction process. There is no shortcut or way to bypass this.
  33. Is email required?
    If you do not enter a valid email then you will not get any important announcement about changes to the auction. In that case, you should be sure and read this FAQ each month.
  34. How do I get the Auth Code to do a transfer
    You go to the order for a domain a domain. If enough time has passed, there will be a “Transer Auth Code” button that you can click on. If you paid by Visa or Mastercard it can take 60 days to show up. If you paid by Bitcoin or wire transfer it should show up faster. If you are an established customer it should show up faster.
  35. How do I get an invoice?
    Click on the order for the domain and then at the bottom click on “Download order invoice”.
  36. This site looks similar to park.io.
    We have licensed a copy of the auction software from park.io, so it is indeed very similar.
  37. What if Trademark or UDRP challenge?
    If you or your client owns a trademark that a domain conflicts with and you contact us before an auction starts we will transfer the domain to you. If you own foobar.xy and have a document proving a trademark on foobar and we can email you at something like [email protected] then we will send you the auth code for foobar.ai if it was going to be auctioned but the auction has not started.
  38. What if I bid on a misspelled domain by accident?
    It is a common thing to have domains with funny spellings. You are responsible for your bids as explained in this FAQ/terms-and-conditions. Please check the spelling before placing your bid.
  39. How do I see how much I owe?
    If a user has an outstanding balance, the UI displays, “Outstanding Balance: $[balance]” in the “Account credit” section on that user’s “Account Details” page (i.e., the page connected to the “Account” link in the navigation menu) during the 2 week payment period. Along with the users account balance, and the outstanding balance, the system will show “Additional Funds Required” so a user knows how much more money is needed.If a user doesn’t have an outstanding balance, the UI doesn’t show this (to avoid unnecessary confusion).Aside from the UI displaying this information, when an auction closes, the winner receives an email that notifies him to add credit to his account.Additionally, the system emails every user with an outstanding balance multiple times before the 2 week payment period expires. After this payment period expires, the auctioned domains are released to be reauctioned, and the user is charged $100 or 2% of the winning bid for each domain that wasn’t paid for (whichever is larger).
  40. What if my question is not answered here?
    If you send an email to [email protected] with the special word AI3DOM someplace in the subject then Vince will know you have read the FAQ and answer your email. It also gets the email filtered into the high priority emails. He often answers other emails but gives priority to people who have read the FAQ. This is only needed on the first email.
  41. Bank Merchant Website Disclosure
    1. Merchant URL: auction.whois.ai
    2. Merchant Contact: [email protected] 1(264)497-3255
    3. Terms and Conditions – See rest of FAQ above
    4. Return/refund policy – $20 processing fee to refund unused balance.
    5. Delivery Policy – The domain will be activated within 3 hours of when you pay for it.
    6. Privacy Policy – We comply with the EU privacy policy about what information is given out by whois about the registrant for a domain.
    7. Card Mark Brand Usage: We only accept Visa and Mastercard.
    8. Complete description of good and services offered. We auction off “.ai” domains and register them. See FAQ above for more details.
    9. Transaction Currency – All prices and transactions are in US dollars.
    10. Security copabilities and policy for Transmission of payment card details. To make a payment a user is sent to a window where the information goes directly to the payment processor on a secure SSL connection. The card details are never on our website or in our servers.