2023年8月27日 | 分类: 域名后缀

EPP 常见问题解答以及条款和条件

  1. 两部分常见问题解答
    还应检查一般常见问题解答。这是针对 EPP 系统更具体的。
  2. 获取 EPP 访问权限。
    要获得 EPP 访问权限,请按照以下步骤操作:

    1. 初始余额要求:如果您已经获得 ICANN 认证,则初始余额要求为 3,000 美元。如果没有 ICANN 认证,初始余额要求将升至 10,000 美元。请注意,这不是费用,您将可以使用所有这些钱来购买域名。
    2. 折扣:
      • 根据您当前持有的“.ai”域名数量提供折扣。对于每个域名,您的初始余额要求可减少 140 美元。
      • 如果您用比特币付款,您只需要初始余额要求的一半。
    3. 付款方式:我们接受比特币、电汇和信用卡付款。
    4. 存款确认:存款后请告知我们,如果是通过电汇,请发送一份电汇确认副本。
    5. 信息存款后请提供以下信息/详细信息:
      1. 公司名称
      2. 主要电子邮件
      3. 电话号码
      4. 实际地址
      5. IANA 号码
      6. 滥用电子邮件
    1. 我需要签署合同吗?
      我们不需要合同,但如果您愿意,您可以下载我们的协议并填写并签署,然后通过电子邮件发送给 Vince。他将签字并返回。
    2. 帐户设置:一旦您的存款得到确认,并且我们获得了上述信息,我们将在epp.whois.ai上设置您的帐户。
  1. EPP 用户在哪里可以访问 Web?
  2. 如何查看信用余额并在信用不足时收到提醒?
  3. 会计信息似乎有误。
    请注意,如果您搜索的某个范围超过 50 个条目,则 Web 显示不会显示所有结果,并且总计仅针对显示的结果,而不是整个范围。这很奇怪,而且似乎是错误的。要了解完整情况,您必须执行“导出交易”并查看下载的 CSV 文件。
  4. 如何转移域名?

    1. 该域名必须“解锁”
    2. 域名必须缴清(不能超过到期日期)
    3. 从auction.whois.ai 转移是免费的,但对于任何其他转移,获得域名的帐户必须缴纳 140 美元的转移费
    4. 联系人、电话、电子邮件必须良好
    5. 授权码必须正确。有些地方在使用某些字符时遇到了一些问题,因此设置新的身份验证代码可能会有所帮助。设置授权码时要避免的字符是“<>&’”“
    6. 注册商必须支持 .ai 传输,但并非所有注册商都支持。以下是支持 .ai 传输的注册商列表
  5. 我可以在 EPP 转移域中进行续订吗?
    我们建议不要在转让时续订,但如果您确实将其设置为 2 年续订。
  6. 如何在 Web 界面中获取域的 AUTHCODE?
    CoCCA 现在仅存储授权码的加密哈希。这足以测试某人是否拥有正确的身份验证代码,但它无法为您提供身份验证代码。这样更安全。所以现在的工作方式是你创建一个新的身份验证代码并设置它。要进行设置,请单击域,然后单击显示“授权密钥已加密”的位置,然后输入新的授权代码。然后你就知道了授权码。
  7. 如何在 Web 界面中使用 AUTHCODE 将域名转移到我的帐户?
  8. 如何将我的公司列入您的注册商名单?
    如果您希望您的公司出现在注册商列表中或更改其列出方式,只需发送电子邮件至 [email protected]
  9. 如何在不支付测试域费用的情况下测试我的 epp 软件?
    在生产机器 epp.whois.ai 上,您可以免费注册 *.ote.ai 下的域名。如果您注册像 foobar.ote.ai 这样的域名,我们不会向您收取任何费用。由于它是在生产机器上,因此它是对您的软件的实际测试。这仅用于测试目的,因此 *.ote.ai 域的 DNS 将不起作用。
  10. EPP 的 API/规范是什么?
    这是一个包含 EPP API 标准文档链接的页面
  11. 如何导出当前的域列表?
    登录 https://epp.whois.ai 并选择投资组合,然后不使用过滤器进行搜索。然后在右侧导出到 CSV。
  12. 可以做1年的定价吗?
    最短期限为 2 年。
  13. whois.ai 是做什么用的?
    旧的主站点是 whois.ai,但现在是 epp.whois.ai 的 epp 客户端,而 epp.whois.ai 才是现在真正的主站点。小型遗留用户仍然存在。我们不会让新的最终用户进入该网站,并且该网站已普遍迁移。
  14. 登录时遇到问题
    尝试清除 cookie。启动 EPP 密码和 Web 登录密码将相同,但您可以更改其中一个而不更改另一个。在网络界面上,您可以单击“帐户”,然后右下角的“EPP 设置”将允许您更改 EPP 密码。要更改网络密码,请单击“帐户”,然后单击“管理登录名”,然后选择登录名并单击“更改密码”。他们可以设置 EPP 密码(默认情况下与 Web 登录的凭据相同,但登录名和 clientID 是两个单独的凭据)
  15. 商品可以在购物车中保留多长时间?
  16. 我们如何将域名转移到新的注册商?
  17. 续订怎么样?
    新帐户的默认设置不是自动更新,但您可以在 Web 界面上更改它。我们建议您搜索过期日期早于某个日期的域名,以获取要续订的域名列表,这样您就不会意外续订不需要续订的域名,因为没有撤消操作续订(在注册时,如果您很快删除,费用可以撤销)。
  18. 是否有域名付款提醒电子邮件?
    不会,因为每个域都即将过期,所以不会发送任何电子邮件。这个 epp.whois.ai 实际上是为零售商设置的,他们每个人都会向最终用户发送有关即将付款的电子邮件。您可以设置自动更新,还可以设置系统在您的余额低于某个水平时通过电子邮件向您发送提醒。所以这样就可以解决这个问题。
  19. 域名删除的速度有多快?
  20. 如何锁定域名以防止转移?
    点击“投资组合”,进行搜索(空白查看全部),然后点击“批量锁定”,然后点击“全部”锁定全部,然后在底部“转移”旁边点击“锁定”下方,然后输入注释然后单击“更新锁”。请注意,如果您执行此操作,则必须先解锁域,然后才能使用 AUTHCODE 进行转移。
  21. 转账需要费用吗?
    转账费用为 140 美元。我们不建议在转移期间续订,但如果您这样做,则需要支付额外费用,并且价格与正常续订相同。如果未进行续订,则到期日期不会因转让而改变。如果两个注册商合二为一,一个注册商一分为二,或者我们有了一个新的注册商,那么我们可以进行管理转移(即 Vince 执行的操作),并且转移域名不收取任何费用。此外,如果您在 auction.whois.ai 上的拍卖中购买域名,那么您可以将其免费转移到您的常规帐户。我们不希望域名保留在auction.whois.ai 上。
  22. 买家悔恨宽限期为 5 天
    如果您注册域名并在 5 天内将其删除,系统将自动退款。请注意,续订没有宽限期。请注意,续订域名的次数不要超过您实际想要的次数,因为您无法撤消续订。
  23. 2017 年 12 月 16 日注册日期似乎有误
    当域名于 2017 年 12 月 16 日加载到 epp.whois.ai 时,新系统将这一天视为所有域名的生日。确实有很多领域在此之前已经存在很多年了。迁移期间正确处理了到期日期,但注册日期不正确。
  24. 我们的客户没有付款,我们可以退款吗?
  25. 报告总数似乎有点偏差?
  26. 如何恢复域名?
    在网络界面中,您在您的投资组合中搜索该域,单击它,然后在右下角单击“恢复”。请注意,如果您通过 EPP 进行操作,您还需要“恢复报告”和“续订”,这一切都应在同一天完成。最好在之后立即进行“更新”。
  27. 自动续订
    要使域名自动续订,请转到门户网站并单击“帐户”,然后单击“自动化”并指定每个“.ai”、“.net.ai”、“.com.ai”等的数量应该续订。每次设置为 2 年。
  28. UDRP正如
    主要常见问题解答中所述,安圭拉使用 UDRP。因此,安圭拉的所有注册商都必须对“.ai”域名使用 UDRP。
  29. 如何查询交易记录?
  30. 如何打印记录我们付款的发票?
  31. 如何使用信用卡付款?
    http://epp.whois.ai 上,您转到“TOP UP”,输入您想要的金额和付款说明,然后单击“下一步”。然后单击“下一步”,然后单击“PAY BY 4CS”。然后我们的支付处理器会弹出窗口,您输入信用卡信息。这样做是为了我们永远不会看到您的信用卡号。

在尝试看起来失败后,请等待至少 15 分钟,然后再重试。在重试之前请检查您的余额,因为通常看似失败的费用会在几分钟后发布。

请注意,对于信用卡,我们会在收取的信用卡费用的基础上加收 3.627% 的费用。

  1. 透支或信用限额
    我们将透支/信用限额设置为您上次付款金额的 1/4 或 500 美元,以较高者为准。如果您发送电汇并在等待电汇通过时需要增加透支,如果您在通过电子邮件向我们发送您的电汇确认副本时提及这一点,我们可以暂时将您的透支增加至电汇金额的 1/2。银行。如果您有多条电汇在途,信用额度将为所有电汇总价值的 1/2。
  2. 你们支持 DNSSEC 吗?
    不我们没有。我们认为每个人都已经使用的 SSL 提供身份验证和加密,而 DNSSEC 只提供身份验证。所以它并没有真正添加任何东西。此外, DNSSEC 还存在中断风险。鉴于存在重大下行风险且没有重大额外收益,我们决定不支持它。
  3. 不要向您的客户提供我的联系信息
  4. 如何获取付款记录
    前往网页界面的主页选项卡。在交易类型上单击“无”,然后单击“调整”。然后设置“日期范围”以涵盖付款时间。然后点击“搜索”。然后点击付款日期旁边的“调整”一词。您将看到一个标题为“付款交易收据”的 .pdf 文件。您可以点击右上角的“下载”图标进行下载。
  5. 我可以获得该区域的副本吗?
    如果您是注册商并向我发送您想要访问区域文件的 IP,我可以为您提供访问权限。将您的 IP 添加到白名单后,您可以从http://datahaven.net/zone/zone.tgz下载区域文件。该文件每天在安圭拉时间早上 5 点之前更新。这是区域文件,有一些域尚未设置名称服务器,因此不会出现在区域文件中。根据这些条款和条件,注册商无权重新分发此信息。
  6. 域名服务器多久更新一次?
  7. 我们正在做大量的工作。我们可以有特价吗?
  8. 价格将如何变化?
    我们正在以美国所有城市消费者消费物价指数为指数。我们将 CPI 除以 2.18 以获得我们的目标价格。如果我们认为未来 100 天内目标价格将比当前价格高出 20 美元或 20% 左右,我们将宣布提价,以便注册商在生效前至少有 60 天的警告。 2023 年 4 月 15 日,我们将价格更改为 140 美元。适用于 .ai、.com.ai、net.ai、.off.ai 和 .org.ai。这用于注册、续订、转让和恢复。请注意,注册和续订的有效期为 2 年。请注意,如果人们愿意,可以在价格变化之前将域名续订最多 10 年。


EPP FAQ and Terms & Conditions

  1. Two Part FAQ
    The general FAQ should be checked as well. This one is more specific to EPP system.
  2. Getting EPP Access.
    To gain EPP access, please follow these steps:

    1. Initial Balance Requirement: If you already have ICANN accreditation, your initial balance requirement is $3,000. Without ICANN accreditation, the initial balance requirement rises to $10,000. Note, this is not a fee, you will be able to use all this money to buy domains.
    2. Discounts:
      • Discounts are available based on the number of “.ai” domains you currently hold. For each domain, you receive a reduction of $140 in your initial balance requirement.
      • If you pay in Bitcoin you only need half the initial balance requirement.
    3. Payment Methods: We accept Bitcoin, wire transfers, and credit card payments.
    4. Deposit Confirmation: After making the deposit let us know and if it was by wire transfer send a copy of the wire confirmation.
    5. Information Please provide the following information/details after your deposit has been made:
      1. Company Name
      2. Main email
      3. Phone number
      4. Physical address
      5. IANA Number
      6. Abuse email
    6. Do I need to sign a contract?
      We do not require a contract but if you want you can download our agreement and fill it out and sign it and email to Vince. He will sign and return.
    7. Account Setup: Once your deposit is confirmed, and we have the above information, we will set up your account on epp.whois.ai.
  3. Where is web access for EPP users?
    You can login at https://epp.whois.ai.
  4. How do I see credit balance and get Reminders for when credit gets low?
    In the web interface click “Account” then on the right “Credit Reminders”. This will show your balance and credit limit and let you set a reminder threshold. It will then send an email if your credit gets below that threshold.
  5. The accounting information seems wrong.
    Note that if you do a search for some range that is more than 50 entries the web display does not show all the results and the totals are only for the results shown not for the full range. This is strange and seems wrong. To get the full picture you must do “Export Transactions” and look at the CSV file that is downloaded.
  6. How do I transfer domains?
    The Current registrant should get the AUTHCODE and give that to the new registrant so they can then pull the domain into their account. For a transfer to work all of these conditions must be met:

    1. The domain must be “unlocked”
    2. The domains must be paid up (can not be past expiration date)
    3. It is free to transfer away from auction.whois.ai but for any other transfer the account getting the domain must have the $140 transfer fee in it
    4. The contacts, phone, email have to be good
    5. The auth code must be correct. Some places have had some trouble with some characters so setting a new auth code might help. The characters to avoid when setting an auth code are ” <>&'” “
    6. The registrar has to support .ai transfers, not all registrars do. Here is a list of registrars that support .ai transfers.
  7. Can I do renew in EPP transfer domains?
    We recommend not doing a renew on transfer but if you do set it to 2 years renewal.
  8. How do I get the AUTHCODE for a domain in web interface?
    CoCCA now stores only a cryptographic hash of an auth code. This is enough to test if someone has the correct auth code but it can not give you the auth code. This is more secure. So the way things work now is you make up a new auth code and set that. To set it click on the domain then click where it says, “Authorization Key Encrypted”, and enter the new auth code. Then you know the auth code.
  9. How to I use an AUTHCODE to transfer a domain to my account in web interface?
    Click on “register”, then “transfer request”, then in the box put the name then a comma then the code.
  10. How do I get my company listed on your list of registrars?
    If you would like your company on the list of registrars or to change how it is listed just send email to [email protected].
  11. How can I test my epp software without paying for test domains?
    On the production machine epp.whois.ai you can register domains under *.ote.ai for free. If you register a domain like foobar.ote.ai we won’t charge you anything. Since it is on the production machine it is a realistic test of your software. This is just for testing purposes, so the DNS for *.ote.ai domains will not work.
  12. What is the API/spec for EPP?
    Here is a page with links to EPP API standard documents.
  13. How can I export my current list of domains?
    Login on https://epp.whois.ai and select portfolio then search with no filters. Then on the right Export to CSV.
  14. Can you do 1 year pricing?
    The minimum is 2 years.
  15. What is whois.ai for?
    The old main site was whois.ai but this is now an epp client of epp.whois.ai which is the real main site now. Small legacy users are still there. We are not letting new end-users on there and there is a general move off that site.
  16. Having trouble logging in
    Try clearing cookies. To start the EPP password and web login password will be the same but you can change one without changing the other. On the web interface you can click “Account” then on bottom right “EPP settings” will let you change the EPP password. To change the web password click “Account”, then “Manage Logins”, then select login and click “Change Password”. they can set the EPP password ( by default is the same credentials as the web login, but the login and clientID are two separate credentials )
  17. How long can stuff stay in shopping cart?
    If you logout or are logged out due to inactivity your shopping cart will be emptied.
  18. How do we transfer the domains to a new registrar?
    When you are ready I move them over for free. This is a one time deal at the creation of your account. After this, transfers cost money.
  19. What about renewals?
    The default on new accounts is not AUTORENEW but you can change that at the web interface. We recommend that you do a search for domains with expiration dates older than some date to get your list of domains to renew so that you don’t accidentally renew a domain that does not need to be renewed, as there is no un-do on renewals (on registrations if you delete soon the cost can be reversed).
  20. Are there reminder emails to pay for domains?
    No, no emails are sent out as each domain comes close to expiration. This epp.whois.ai is really setup for retailers and they each email end users about payments coming up. You can setup AUTORENEW and also set the system to email you a reminder when your balance gets below some level. So this sort of handles the problem.
  21. How fast are domains deleted?
    See regular regular FAQ for delete.
  22. How can I lock domains so there is no chance of transfer?
    Click “portfolio”, do a search (blank to see all), then click “bulk lock”, then “all” to lock all, then at the bottom next to “transfer” click under “lock”, then put in a note and click “update locks”. Note that if you do this you must unlock a domain before an AUTHCODE can be used to do a transfer.
  23. Do transfers cost?
    Transfers cost $140. We do not recommend renewing during transfer but if you do that is an additional cost and is priced as a normal renewal. If no renewal is done then the expiration date does not change with a transfer. If two registrars combine into one, a registrar splits into two, or we get a new registrar, then we can do an admin-transfer (i.e. Vince does it) and there is no charge for moving the domains. Also, if you buy a domain at auction on auction.whois.ai then you can transfer it off there to your regular account with no charge. We don’t want domains to stay on auction.whois.ai.
  24. Buyers Remorce Grace period is 5 days
    If you register a domain and then delete it within 5 days the system will refund your money automatically. Note there is no grace period for renewals. Be careful not to renew a domain more times than you really want to as you can not undo a renewal.
  25. The Dec 16, 2017 registration date seems wrong
    When domains were loaded onto epp.whois.ai on Dec 16, 2017 the new system took that as the birthday for all the domains. Really many domains were around many years before that. The expiration dates were correctly handled during the migration, but the registration date is not correct.
  26. Our customer did not pay can we get a refund?
    If you delete the name within the Grace period (see in this FAQ) you can get a refund. If it is longer than that then no.
  27. The report totals seem off by a bit?
    There are monthly reports and search result reports. One of these uses the timezone of the server and one of these uses the timezone set by the client. When these timezones are different if there were sales in the time difference the amounts can be different. If you set your account timezone to “Atlantic Standard Time” like Anguilla and our server is using, then the problem will go away.
  28. How do I restore a domain?
    From the web interface you search your portfolio for the domain, click on it, then in the bottom on the right you click “restore”. Note if you do from EPP you also need a “restore report” and a “renew” and this all should be done done on the same day. Best to do “renew” right after.
  29. Automatic Renewal
    To get domains to renew automatcally go to the web portal and click on “Account”, then “Automation” and specify for each “.ai”, “.net.ai”, “.com.ai” etc how much they should renew for. Set each to 2 years.
  30. UDRP
    As explained in the main FAQ Anguilla uses UDRP. So all registrars for Anguilla must use UDRP for “.ai” domains.
  31. How to I search transaction history?
    Click the “home” icon, then click “transaction ledger”. Then you can tick boxes for the types of transactions, set the date range, and click search.
  32. How do I print an invoice recoding a payment we made?
    Do a transaction search as in previous question but for “Adjustment”, “Bank Payment”, or “Credit card”. Then click on tye type in the results to get the record of the payment.
  33. How do I make a payment using Credit Card?
    On http://epp.whois.ai you go to “TOP UP””, put in the amount you want and a payment description, then click Next. then click “next”, then click “PAY BY 4CS”. Then a window from our payment processor pops up and you put in credit card info. This is done so that we never even see your credit card number.Please wait at least 15 minutes after an attempt looks like it failed before trying again. Check your balance before trying again as often charges that seemed to have failed are posted a few minutes later.Please note that for credit cards we add a fee of 3.627% to the amount we charge to cover the credit card fees.
  34. Overdraft or Credit Limit
    We set the overdraft/credit limit to 1/4 of the amount of your last payment or $500, whichever is higher. If you send a wire and need an increased overdraft while waiting for the wire to get through we can increase your overdraft temporarily to 1/2 the amount of the wire if you mention this when you email us a copy of the wire transfer confirmation from your bank. If you have multiple wires in transit the credit limit will be 1/2 the total value of all the wires.
  35. Do you support DNSSEC?
    No we do not. We feel that SSL, which everyone already uses, provides both authentication and encryption, while DNSSEC just provides authentication. So it does not add anything really. Also, DNSSEC runs the risk out outages. Given a significant downside risk and no significant additional benefit, we have decided not to support it.
  36. Don’t give your customers my contact info
    Registrars should not be giving out my contact info to your own customers. Please do not do this. If this problem increases we may implement a fee for when your customers contact us.
  37. How to get records of payments
    Go to the home tab in the web interface. Click “none” on Transaction Types, then click “Adjustment”. Then set the “Date Range” to cover the time of the payment. Then click “Search”. Then click on the the word “Adjustment” next to the date of the payment. You will see a .pdf with a title “Payment Transaction Receipt”. You can click the “download” icon in the top right to download it.
  38. Can I get a copy of the zone?
    If you are a registrar and send me the IP you would like to access the zone file from I can give you access. After I add your IP to the whitelist you can download the zone files from http://datahaven.net/zone/zone.tgz. This file updates before 5 am Anguilla time every day. This is the zone file and there are a few domains that have not set nameservers and so will not appear in the zone file. Under these Terms and Conditions registrars do not have permission to redistribute this information.
  39. How often do nameservers update?
    Every 2 hours. It could take another hour to propagate. Sometimes longer.
  40. We are doing a lot of volume. Can we have a special price?
    Everyone is paying the same price. See next item.
  41. How will prices change?
    We are indexing with the US CPI for All Urban Consumers. We will divide the CPI by 2.18 to get our target price. If we think the target price will be around $20 or 20% higher than our current price in the next 100 days we will announce a price increase so that registrars have at least 60 days warning before it takes effect. On Apr 15, 2023 we changed the price to $140 US. This is for .ai, .com.ai, net.ai, .off.ai, and .org.ai. This is for registrations, renewals, transfers and restores. Note registrations and renewals are for 2 years. Note that people can renew domains for up to a total of 10 years before the price changes if they want to.