Whois.AI FAQ [2024版]

2024年5月12日 | 分类: 域名后缀


常见问题解答 / 条款及细则

  1. 如何检查域名的所有者或域名是否可用?
    请访问 http://whois.nic.ai ,并输入域名进行查询。请注意,您应该与“注册人”联系,而非“注册商”。您还可以使用 whois 服务查询域名:whois -h whois.nic.ai foo.ai 。 我们已在 IANA 进行了此更改,但似乎并非所有 whois 客户端都已接受此更新。
  2. 你们支持 RDAP 吗?
    是的,RDAP服务网址是:rdap.whois.ai 。
  3. EPP/CoCCA 访问权限
    我们已将大多数大用户迁移到 EPP 服务器。这已涵盖大多数域名。如果您需要 EPP 访问权限,请参阅 《EPP 常见问题解答》
  4. 在哪里可以了解过期的 .AI 域名的拍卖?
    请参阅 《.AI 拍卖常见问题解答》或访问 .AI 拍卖网站 auction.whois.ai
  5. 新的终端用户怎样注册域名呢?
    “.AI”注册局已将商业模式转为通过经过授权的域名注册服务商来销售域名,只有存量终端用户才能登录该网站:zenaida.cate.ai。这里是当前已授权的域名注册服务商列表。新的终端用户可以选择其中之一来注册 .AI 域名。
  6. 在我进行域名资料更改后多久会显示出来?
    注册信息更改几乎立即显示在 WHOIS 记录中,并在大约 4 小时内显示在 DNS 服务器记录中。
  7. whois.ai 的存量用户该去哪里管理域名?
    存量用户已被迁移至 http://zenaida.cate.ai,请参阅 《zenaida 常见问题解答》
  8. 域名中允许使用哪些字符?
  9. 使用 .AI 域名的规则是什么?
  10. 如果我们不为域名付费会怎样?
    首先请注意,任何逾期域名都可能被删除。您不应该指望任何宽限期。通常有 30 天的“暂停”期,在此期间 DNS 失效,但可以以正常价格续订域名。然后有 60 天的“待删除”期,在此期间可以恢复域名,但需要额外付费。在 epp.whois.ai,您需要 140 美元才能恢复,还需要 140 美元才能续订,并且必须在同一天内完成续订。在 60 天的待删除期之后,它将进入竞价池。有关详情,请参阅 《.AI 域名拍卖常见问题解答》。我们系统的天数统计是官方统计,请不要觉得自己还有另一天,那只会让你抓狂和抱怨。
  11. UDRP域名仲裁
    如果有人想从他人那里获得域名,安圭拉会遵循使用《 统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP)》。要提出 UDRP 异议,您必须使用 ICANN 批准的争议解决服务提供商 之一。如果域名由 ICANN 认证的域名注册服务商提供,则必须与仲裁员合作。应将发送给域名注册服务商的电邮副本发送给 [email protected]。通常,这意味着:要么什么都不做,要么转移域名。我们将支持该争议解决服务提供商所指派的仲裁员的决定。
    如果域名注册服务商不是 ICANN 认证的域名注册服务商,则 UDRP 将由 Vince 处理,并应将电邮发送到 [email protected] 。要向 Vince 提起诉讼,初始信息中必须包含在判决交给原告或注册人决定不提出异议的情况下应向其发送域名转移授权码的电邮地址。如果注册人通知注册局他们希望交出域名,我们会将域名转移授权码发送到该电邮地址,并且诉讼必须被撤销。如果仲裁员作出有利于投诉人的裁决,我们还将向该电邮地址发送域名转移授权码。请注意,如果域名未付费且即将被拍卖,我们可以将域名转让给商标持有人,而无需提出异议。请参阅《.AI 拍卖常见问题解答》 中“UDRP”相关的更多详情。自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,对于“.AI”域名的前缀只有 1、2 或 3 个字符的域名,我们不接受 UDRP 异议,除非投诉人已经在以下 5 个域名后缀中的至少 3 个中拥有具有相同几个字符的域名,“.COM”、“.UK”、“.DE”、“.JP”、“.FR”。
  12. 关于匿名联系人、WhoisGuard 或错误联系人信息
  13. 暂停或撤销域名的理由
    虽然我们乐于见到 .AI 域名销售火爆,因为它为安圭拉政府筹集了大量资金,但我们不希望任何欺诈域名玷污安圭拉或“.AI”的声誉。如果有人发现“.AI”域名中的欺诈网站,请向我们举报。安圭拉政府保留撤销或暂停任何“.AI”域名的权利。这通常是由于以下或类似的欺诈行为之一:

    1. 任何在安圭拉都是非法的行为
    2. 在安圭拉是非法的色情片,如儿童色情片、复仇色情片等。
    3. 侵犯著作权
    4. 仇恨言论网站。任何只是仇恨某个群体的网站。
    5. 网络钓鱼 – 例如,假装是另一个网站,让用户输入用户名和密码
    6. 使用某个公司的徽标或商标,但与该公司无关系
    7. 不诚实地作出虚假陈述以谋取经济利益
    8. 任何承诺帮助人们快速致富的牟利网站
    9. 任何看起来像金字塔计划、庞氏骗局或多层次营销网站 (MLM) 的东西
    10. 在没有安圭拉许可证的情况下从事以下任何一项活动,成为银行、经纪人、上市公司、ICO、交易所或赌博网站
      1. 持有客户存款
      2. 为客户管理投资
      3. 提供任何利率的保证回报
      4. 寻找投资者
      5. 为股票、债券、加密货币或其他类似市场提供交易或交换服务
      6. 任何形式的赌博
      7. 任何用于攻击其他站点的站点,如DDOS或其他
    11. 列入欺诈网站列表中的任何网站都将被暂停。
    12. 由信誉良好的域名监控机构举报的网站
    13. 如果网站的所有者对以前的域名(甚至是非 .AI 域名)进行了上述任何操作,我们可以禁用当前域名
    14. 如果一个网站说“受信任”或“合作”,并为其他公司注册了商标,而其中一家公司说这不是真的,那么整个网站就会瘫痪。


  14. 有一个域名没有被使用,我想获取它?
  15. .AI 域名总数是多少?
    截至 2018 年 7 月 2 日,共有 48,272 个域名。
    截至 2019 年 1 月 2 日,总数为 62,183 个域。
    截至 2020 年 1 月 7 日,共有 85,596 个域名。
    截至 2021 年 7 月 1 日,总数为 123,651 个域名。
    截至 2022 年 4 月 5 日,共有 138,022 个域名。
    截至 2022 年 7 月 20 日,域名总数为 143,737 个。
    截至 2023 年 6 月 14 日,总数为 248,609 个域名。
    截至 2023 年 9 月 26 日,总数为 306,861 个域。
    截至 2023 年 12 月 20 日,共有 353,928 个域名。
    截至 2024 年 4 月 12 日,域名总数为 425,060 个。
  16. .AI 域名的续费概率有多高?
    我们查看了 2022 年 11 月的数据并得出以下结论。在前 2 年续订中,人们大约有 12% 的可能不续订。在 4 年的续订中,大约有 6% 的可能不续订。在 6 年的续订中,大约有 3% 的可能不续订。在奇数年,您可以认为我们有 100% 的续订,因为我们实行 2 年的续订周期。因此,总体而言,域名保持活跃的可能性超过 90%。如果我们在域名数量方面处于稳定状态,我预计我们的续订率将超过95%,但我们增长迅速,因此续订率较低的新增域名比续订率非常高的旧有域名更多。我目前不发布数据。
  17. 如果我有问题需要咨询,我该联系谁?
    我们主要面向域名注册服务商提供支持,而域名注册服务商面向终端用户提供支持。如果您有问题,您应该联系您的域名注册服务商。域名注册服务商可以发送电邮至“[email protected]”。如果您以“AI3DOM”为电邮的标题,它将被排序到顶部,而不会埋没在垃圾电邮中。它还将向我表明您阅读了本份常见问题解答文件,我想鼓励这样做。如果您多次发送电邮,我可能会过滤您的电邮,以便您将来不需要这样做。此外,域名注册服务商可以在安圭拉时间周一至周五上午 8:30 至下午 3:00 致电 264-497-3255。如果您要求购买我并不拥有的域名,我会设置我的电邮过滤器,将您的所有电邮放入我的垃圾电邮文件夹。您需要联系的是“注册人”,而不是“注册局”或“注册商”。
  18. 可以随时修改


  19. 银行商户网站披露
    1. 商户网址:auction.whois.ai
    2. 商户联系方式:[email protected] 1(264)497-3255
    3. 条款和条件 – 请参阅上面常见问题解答的其余部分
    4. 退货/退款政策 – 退还未使用的余额将存在支付 20 美元的手续费。
    5. 交付政策 – 该域名将在您付款后的 3 小时内激活。
    6. 隐私政策 – 我们遵守欧盟隐私政策,即whois仅会公开域名注册人的部分信息。
    7. 信用卡品牌使用:我们只接受维萨Visa卡和万事达MasterCard卡。
    8. 所提供的商品和服务的完整描述。我们拍卖“.AI”域名并注册它们。有关详细信息,请参阅上述常见问题解答。
    9. 交易货币 – 所有价格和交易均以美元为单位。
    10. 用于传输支付卡详细信息的安全功能和策略。为了进行支付,用户被发送到一个窗口,在该窗口中,信息通过安全的SSL连接直接发送到支付处理器。卡的详细信息永远不会出现在我们的网站或服务器中。

URL: http://whois.ai/faq.html

FAQ / Terms and Conditions

  1. How do I check who owns a domain or if it is available?
    Go to http://whois.nic.ai and enter the name there. Note that you want to talk to the “registrant” and not the “registrar”. You can also lookup domains with the whois service use the with a command like whois -h whois.nic.ai foo.ai We made this change with IANA but not all whois clients seem to have picked up the update yet.
  2. Do you support RDAP?
    Yes, RDAP works at rdap.whois.ai.
  3. EPP/CoCCA Access
    We have migrated most of the big users to EPP access. This is most of the domains. If you would like EPP access please see EPP FAQ.
  4. Where can I learn about the auctioning of expired .ai domains?
    You can read the auction FAQ or go to the auction site auction.whois.ai.
  5. What about new end users?
    The “.ai” registry had moved to using retail sites to sell the domains and only legacy end users can login to this site. Here is a list of current retail registrars. New end users should sign up with one of these.
  6. How soon after I make changes do they show up?
    Registration changes show up nearly instantly in whois and within about 4 hours in the DNS servers.
  7. Where did the legacy users from whois.ai go?
    The legacy users were moved to zenaida.cate.ai and there is a faq for zenaida too.
  8. What characters are permitted in domain names?
    Letters from “a” to “z”, digits from “0” to “9”, and “-“. Domains can not start or end with “-” and can not have more than one “-” in a row. 
  9. What are the rules for using AI domains?
    The usage must not violate the laws of Anguilla. In particular, fraud is against the law. For example, any domain that is trying to trick users into thinking they are at another website so they will enter their user name and password is committing fraud. The domain will be either removed or given to the people who own the domain that was being impersonated so they can put up a warning or any info they want. 
  10. What happens if we don’t pay for a domain?
    First note that any domain past due may be deleted. You should not count on any grace period. Usually there is 30 days where it is “suspended” and DNS does not work but it can be renewed for the regular price. Then there is 60 days where it is “pending delete” can be restored at an additional cost. On epp.whois.ai you need $140 to restore and also $140 to renew and the renew must be done on the same day. After the 60 day pending delete period it goes into the auction pool. For more information see auctionfaq.html. Our system’s count of the days is the official count, you should not push the edge and complain if you thought you had another day. 
  11. UDRP
    In cases where someone wants to take a domain from someone else, Anguilla uses the UDRP. To file a UDRP challenge you must use one of the ICANN Approved Dispute Resolution Service Providers. If the domain is with an ICANN accredited registrar, they must work with the arbitrator. A copy of the email to the registrar should be sent to [email protected]. Usually this means either doing nothing or transferring a domain. We will stand by the decision of the arbitrator picked by that provider.
    If the registrar is not an ICANN accredited registrar then the UDRP will be processed by Vince and emal should be sent to [email protected]. To file a case with Vince the email contact that an auth code should be sent to in the case the judgment goes to the complintant, or the registrant decides not to contest, must be included in the initial information. If the registrant informs the registry that they wish to surrender the domain we will send the auth code to that email and the case must be dropped. If the arbitrator rules in favor of the complaintant, we will also send the auth code to that email.Note that if a domain goes unpaid and was about to be auctioned we can transfer a domain to a trademark holder without contesting it. Search AuctionFAQ for UDRP for more details on this. As of Jan 1, 2023 we do not accept UDRP challenges for domains where there is only 1, 2, or 3 characters before the “.ai” unless the Complainant already has domains with those same few characters in at least 3 of the following 5 TLDs, “.com”, “.uk”, “.de”, “.jp”, “.fr”.


  12. Anonymous contacts, WhoisGuard, or Bad Contact Info
    Hidden contact information is allowed but if a site seems to be scamish and has hidden the identity of the registrant we are much faster to take it down. 
  13. Grounds for suspending or revoking a domain
    While we want lots of .ai domain sales as it raises significant money for The Government of Anguilla, we do not want any scammer domains tarnishing the reputation of Anguilla or “.ai”. If people know of scam sites in “.ai” domains please report them. The Government of Anguilla reserves the right to remove or suspend any domain. This is usually due to one of the following or similar scamish actions:

    1. Anything that would be illegal in Anguilla
    2. porn that would be illegal in Anguilla, like child porn, revenge porn, etc.
    3. violating copyrights
    4. Hate speech site. Any site just hating on some group.
    5. Phishing – for example pretending to be another site to get users to enter username and password
    6. Has logos or trademarks from a company when they are not affiliated with that company
    7. Dishonestly making false representations for financial gain
    8. any site promising to help people get rich quick for a fee
    9. anything looking like a pyramid scheme, ponzi, or multi-level-marketing site (mlm)
    10. Doing any of the following without an Anguilla license to be a bank, broker, public company, ICO, exchange, or gambling site
      1. Holding client deposits
      2. managing investments for clients
      3. offering guaranteed returns of any rate
      4. asking for investors
      5. offering trading or exchange services for stock, bond, crypto or other similar markets
      6. any kind of gambling
      7. any site for attacking other sites, like DDOS or other
    11. Any sites on a list of scam sites will be suspended.
    12. Sites reported by reputable domain monitoring agencies
    13. if owner of the site has done any of the above with previous domains (even non .ai domains) we can disable a current domain
    14. If a site says something like “trusted by” or “in partnership with” and has trademarked logos for other companies and one of those companies says this is not true, the whole site comes down.

    If we decide that a site has violated any of the above the domain will be suspended. Even if the registrant promises to modify the content we will not enable the domain. 

  14. There is a domain name that is not being used and I want it?
    Some people think that if someone else has registered a domain but is not really using it that they are “squatting” and there should be a way to take the domain from them but there is no such thing for “.ai” domains. If a domain is registered then as long as the registrant keeps paying, and are not doing anything in the previous section, they can keep the domain, even if they don’t really use it. 
  15. What is the total number of domains?
    As of July 2, 2018 the total was 48,272 domains.
    As of Jan 2, 2019 the total was 62,183 domains.
    As of Jan 7, 2020 the total was 85,596 domains.
    As of July 1, 2021 the total was 123,651 domains.
    As of Apr 5, 2022 the total was 138,022 domains.
    As of July 20, 2022 the total was 143,737 domains.
    As of June 14, 2023 the total was 248,609 domains.
    As of Sept 26, 2023 the total was 306,861 domains.
    As of Dec 20, 2023 the total was 353,928 domains.
    As of Apr 12, 2024 the total was 425,060 domains.
  16. How high are the renewal probabilities for domains?
    We looked at the data in Nov 2022 and concluded the following. In the first 2 year renewal there is about a 12% chance people don’t renew. In the 4 year renewal it was about 6% chance. In 6 year renewal it was about a 3% chance. In the odd age years you can sort of think we have 100% renewal, since we do 2 year renewals. So overall it is over 90% chance a domain stays active. If we were in a steady state in terms of number of domains I expect we would have over 95% renewals but we are growing fast so there are more young domains with lower renewal rates than old domains with very high renewal rates. I am not releasing the data at this time. 
  17. If I have a problem how can I contact someone?
    We are setup to support registrars who in turn support end users. If you have a problem you should deal with your registrar. Registrars can email “[email protected]“. If you start your email subject with “AI3DOM” it will be sorted to the top and not lost in spam. It will also show me you read the FAQ, which I want to encourage. If you send email several times I will probably filter email from you so that you don’t need to do that in the future. Also registrars can call Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Anguilla time at 264-497-3255. If you ask to buy a name that I don’t own I will set my filter to put all email from you to my spam folder. You want to contact the “registrant” not the “registry” or “registrar”. 
  18. Can be modified at any time These terms and conditions can be modified at any time. They apply to all customers. We want happy customers and more customers so we intend to always have reasonable terms and conditions.
  19. Bank Merchant Website Disclosure
    1. Merchant URL: auction.whois.ai
    2. Merchant Contact: [email protected] 1(264)497-3255
    3. Terms and Conditions – See rest of FAQ above
    4. Return/refund policy – $20 processing fee to refund unused balance.
    5. Delivery Policy – The domain will be activated within 3 hours of when you pay for it.
    6. Privacy Policy – We comply with the EU privacy policy about what information is given out by whois about the registrant for a domain.
    7. Card Mark Brand Usage: We only accept Visa and Mastercard.
    8. Complete description of good and services offered. We auction off “.ai” domains and register them. See FAQ above for more details.
    9. Transaction Currency – All prices and transactions are in US dollars.
    10. Security capabilities and policy for Transmission of payment card details. To make a payment a user is sent to a window where the information goes directly to the payment processor on a secure SSL connection. The card details are never on our website or in our servers.