
2023年4月15日 | 分类: 域名经验

原文:《 Artificial Intelligence Resources Available Today》






  • 标准和高级列表都可以使用 AI 生成的域描述。我发现域名描述的质量非常好,比我写的要好。我也喜欢卖家可以自定义描述,添加AI工具忽略的内容或以其他方式进行编辑。
  • 在SquadHelp中,AI还用于生成可能的特定和广泛的用途,以及SquadHelp所说的大想法和情感。这使系统接近全自动域名列表过程。
  • SquadHelp为那些寻找名字的人引入了人工智能驱动的搜索,尽管我个人发现人工智能驱动的交互式搜索的全部潜力尚未实现。
  • SquadHelp现在有GPT AI驱动的社交媒体帖子。登录您的SquadHelp帐户时,在任何域名上,右侧都有一个”共享和赚取”按钮。您选择Instagram,Twitter或Pinterest,系统会在该域上生成促销演示文稿,供您与关注者分享。如果该名称通过您的链接出售,您将从 SquadHelp 获得 35 美元的会员佣金。

SquadHelp还有其他AI资源,毫无疑问,更多的AI资源将通过Hilco Digital在SquadHelp投资的10,000,000美元

刚刚宣布,SquadHelp首席执行官Darpan Munjal和Hilco Digital的Andrew Miller将在即将举行的NamesCon Global 2023会议上讨论人工智能和领域投资


Steven TeyOne Word Domains的创始人,最近推出Domains GPT.该系统目前处于测试阶段,使用GPT驱动的AI来建议特定应用程序的名称

域名 GPT 的工作方式如下:

  1. 你首先选择你感兴趣的名称类型,由品牌术语两个单词组合、portmanteau 组合(如 Instagram)、具有替代拼写的名称(如 Lyft)或来自另一种语言的名称组成。也可以选择随机,系统将选择。
  2. 接下来,输入您要查找的内容的简要描述,例如我想要一个品牌和命名机构的简称。
  3. Domains GPT 然后生成一组可能的名称。在我的试验中,它通常呈现12-18个名字,偶尔会更少。这些使用生成的徽标以吸引人的方式呈现。

如果获准进行 Beta 版测试,域名 GPT 会提供一定数量的配额,每次搜索(而不是每个名称)都会使用一个配额。当域名 GPT 首次发布时,我做了几十次搜索。域名 GPT 确实会生成一些强名称,尽管它建议的许多名称已经注册,在某些情况下很久以前就已注册。尽管如此,在为特定行业或利基市场寻找品牌名称时,这是一个值得的起点。我最终根据我的搜索注册了 3 个名字,并且仍在考虑其他名字。

我认为域名 GPT 可能比现有的域名生成器更有用,但请准备好花时间研究结果以找到真正可用的强名称。


Dynadot悄悄地推出了四个AI驱动的工具。要使用它们,只需登录您的Dynadot账户并转到任何名称。在域名的右侧,您将看到一个名为Ask AI的按钮。这将激活以下任何一项:

  • 我可以把这个域名卖给谁?正如最近在NamePros博客中建议的那样,真的会有人使用这个名字吗?,其中一个关键问题集中在潜在用户身上。Dynadot人工智能生成的内容将有助于回答这个问题。我发现它做得很好,偶尔会提出我忽略的现实用途。
  • 第二个选项为域名编写销售描述。它做了一个出售的工作,类似于SquadHelp提供的工作。不过,Dynadot在描述上提供了替代方案,因此您可以生成有趣或古怪,热情或公司的描述。
  • 第三个选项的有用性,即域名的历史,因域名而异。有时它只是告诉你它没有信息。在其他时候,它将表明没有UDRP案件,诉讼或黑名单。它确实包括免责声明,即信息可能不是最新的。在我看来,当我在Ask AI首次推出后不久对其进行测试时,它给出了更完整的答案。
  • DynadotAsk AI的最后一个可能性是写一首关于你的域名的诗。我没有看到太多的实际用途,但它可能很有趣。


使用他们的主域名搜索对话框很容易被忽略,但是 Porkbun最近集成OpenAI生成的域名搜索到他们的域名搜索中。它是可选的,您可以使用位于搜索框正下方的”尝试使用 AI 生成域名建议”进行选择。或者,直接转到Porkbun AI Generated Search at this link.

我用几个术语尝试了猪肉包AI生成的搜索。您可以重复搜索以获取不同的结果集。在大多数情况下,它不是很有创新性。但是,当您输入多个关键字词(例如 5 或 6)然后尝试一些搜索时,Porkbun AI 搜索会产生更有趣的结果。它显示的许多结果都是各种新的扩展,因此如果您只投资.com则只有少数显示的结果会感兴趣。



至少到目前为止,自Chat GPT和Bard发布以来,BrandPa似乎还没有更新他们的自动化系统。在我看来,该系统与去年秋天相同。希望更新很快就会进行中。


Dharmesh Shah,HubSpot的创始人,创建了一个目前处于alpha阶段的免费工具,名为ChatSpot。如果您没有HubSpot帐户,则可以使用Google帐户登录并尝试一下。







我想以引用Darpan Munjal3月7日制作


Artificial Intelligence, AI, continues to be the dominant topic in the business world, and in domain name circles.

When I wrote about GPT and Similar Artificial Intelligence Technologies, I ended with speculation on how AI might transform domain name investing.

In this article, I survey some of the AI-powered tools that are currently available right now for use by domain investors and those searching for a domain name.


SquadHelp has been introducing AI resources at a rapid pace over the past months. Here are a few:

  • Both standard and premium listings can use AI-generated domain descriptions. I find the quality of the domain descriptions excellent, better than I could write. Also I like that the seller can customize the descriptions, adding content that the AI tool overlooked, or editing in other ways.
  • At SquadHelp, AI is also used to generate possible specific and broad uses, and what SquadHelp refer to as big ideas and emotions. This brings the system near to a fully automated domain listing process.
  • SquadHelp introduced AI-powered search for those seeking names, although personally I find the full potential of AI-powered interactive search is not yet achieved.
  • SquadHelp now have GPT AI-Powered social media posts. When logged into your SquadHelp account, at any domain name, there is a Share & Earn button on right. You select Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, and the system generates a promotional presentation on that domain for you to share with your followers. If the name sells via your link, you earn $35 in affiliate commission from SquadHelp.

SquadHelp have other AI resources as well, and no doubt many more will be coming through the $10,000,000 investment by Hilco Digital in SquadHelp.

It was just announced that Darpan Munjal, CEO of SquadHelp, and Andrew Miller, of Hilco Digital, will be discussing AI and domain investment at the forthcoming NamesCon Global 2023 meeting.

Domains GPT

Steven Tey, founder of One Word Domains, recently introduced Domains GPT. The system, currently in beta, uses GPT-powered AI to suggest names for particular applications.

Domains GPT works this way:

  1. You first choose the type of name that you are interested in, made up brandable terms, two-word combinations, portmanteau combinations (like Instagram), names with alternative spellings (such as Lyft), or names from another language. One can also select random, and the system will choose.
  2. Next, you enter a brief description of what you are looking for, such as I want a short name for a branding and naming agency.
  3. Domains GPT then generates a set of possible names. In my trials, it typically presented 12-18 names, occasionally fewer. These are attractively presented using generated logos.

If approved for beta testing, Domains GPT provides a number of credits, with each search (not each name) using one credit. When Domains GPT was first released, I did a couple of dozen searches. Domains GPT does generate some strong names, although many of the names it suggests are already registered, in some cases a long time ago. Nevertheless, it is a worthwhile starting point when seeking brandable names for a specific sector or niche. I did end up registering 3 names based on my searches, and am still considering others.

I think Domains GPT is potentially more useful than the existing domain name generators, but be prepared to invest time in researching results to find the strong names that are really available.


Dynadot quietly introduced four Ai-powered tools. To use them, just log into your Dynadot account and go to any name. Just to the right of the domain name, you will see a button called Ask AI. This activates any of the following:

  • Who can I sell this domain to? As suggested recently in the NamePros Blog, Will Anyone Really Use This Name?, one of the key questions centers on potential users. The Dynadot AI-generated content will help answer this question. I found that it did a good job, occasionally suggesting realistic uses I had overlooked.
  • The second option writes a sales description for the domain name. It does a sold job, similar to that offered by SquadHelp. Dynadot offers alternatives on the description though, so you can generate a description that is funny or quirky, enthusiastic or corporate.
  • The usefulness of the third option, a history of the domain name, varies with the domain name. Sometimes it just tells you it does not have information. At other times, it will indicate that there are no UDRP cases, lawsuits or blacklists. It does include a disclaimer that the information may not be up to date. It seems to me that it gave more complete answers when I tested it shortly after Ask AI was first introduced.
  • The final possibility in Dynadot Ask AI is to write a poem about your domain name. I don’t see much practical use for this, but it can be amusing.


It is easy to overlook when using their main domain search dialog box, but Porkbun has recently integrated OpenAI generated domain name search into their domain search. It is optional, and you select by using Try generating domain name suggestions using AI., located just under the search box. Alternatively, go directly to Porkbun AI Generated Search at this link.

I tried the Porkbun AI Generated Search with a few terms. You can repeat search to get a different results set. For the most part, it was not very innovative. However, the Porkbun AI search yields more interesting results when you enter a number of keyword terms, say 5 or 6, and then try a few searches. Many of the results it shows are various new extensions, so if you only invest in .com only a few of the displayed results will be of interest.


One of the early innovators to use AI in their daily operations was the BrandPa brandable marketplace. That marketplace has for some time used AI to decide whether a name is accepted or rejected, and to propose a price. This results in instant decisions, but one without the benefit of human intervention. BrandPa also use AI to generate a description for the domain name, including possible uses.

So far at least, BrandPa seems not to have updated their automation system since the releases of Chat GPT and Bard. The system seems to me the same as it was last fall. Hopefully an update is in the works soon.


Dharmesh Shah, founder of HubSpot, created a free tool currently in alpha called ChatSpot. If you don’t have a HubSpot account, you can log in using a Google account and give it a try.

The tool works with a variety of types of prompts. It provides prompt examples, but if you ask it to generate a list of possible company names in some sector or niche it will. You can include in the prompt a list of possible keywords, or other conditions such as a maximum length. Note that it does not have a way of checking current name availability, so you will find a number of results, the majority in my trials, not available to hand register.

Final Thoughts

This is not an exhaustive list of what is available, and no doubt many additional AI resources for domain names will be available soon. It is encouraging to see the rapid pace of development and implementation in our industry.

I did not cover the interesting AI resources for generating images, video and animations, some of which could lead to really captivating domain presentation.

This article also omitted use of AI to generate highly-personalized outbound emails, even though that is already in use, apparently very successfully, in some types of outbound marketing in other fields. A Google search indicates numerous tools to do this available right now.

If you have used an AI-powered tool not mentioned in the article, please share your reflections in the discussion below. Also, share your experiences about the tools that were mentioned.

I would like to end with a quotation Darpan Munjal made on March 7:

AI is not here to replace creative thinking but to amplify it.