
2023年4月9日 | 分类: 域名交易服务商







我们在 2007 年推出了 BrandBucket,在最初的几次销售之后,我们得到了人们的好评,他们告诉我们我们为他们制作了域名搜索过程是多么容易。

顶级品牌代理商可以为品牌名称收取 6 或 7 位数的费用(希望带有匹配的.com域名)。你知道吗?如果您的公司真的负担得起,那将是值得的。这就是名字的重要性。但对于其他所有人,尤其是那些正在引导它的企业家,我们为高度品牌化的名字提供了一个更便宜、更省时的选择。说实话,我提到的一些品牌机构实际上在我们的目录中搜索他们向客户展示的名称。当然,他们不想让任何人知道这一点,但他们和其他人一样知道很多。

现在最让我们兴奋的是,我们有机会让越来越多的人创业,推出新的产品和服务。我们相信每个人都应该有一个伟大的品牌名称,而不仅仅是财富 500 强。有一天,我们希望将我们的网站扩展为一个社区,为需要选择名称并推广品牌的人们提供服务。

大多数人为找到一个品牌而奋斗数周。他们想了一个名字,去检查.com是否可用,但不是。 他们甚至可能会尝试联系业主,看看这个名字是否在出售,如果他们幸运地得到回应,价格通常是离谱的,而不是基于当前的市场。然后他们想到另一个名字,只是重复这个循环。与此同时,业务拖延,因为每个人都在等待一个名字团结起来,并用于从营销材料到名片和银行账户的所有内容。



洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州 90291

How It All Began

My partner and I have been serial entrepreneurs for a while. We would always think of new business ideas and then quickly brainstorm and register a domain name (or two, or three) so that we could launch the venture later. Of course we had many more names than we had time to build products or start companies! So when our friends started their own ventures, we recommended they check out our “bucket” of names. They were excited to find just the right name, which enabled them to get started right away on building their brand. We couldn’t have been more thrilled.
And our next thought was: “What if we opened this up to everyone?”.

We certainly had the domains, but could we really make a brand shopping experience fast, easy and affordable? We had built great brands in the past, but we didn’t come from the branding industry. Did we really have the types of names people were looking for? Well, we made sure of it by spending months researching what truly makes a domain name brandable. Then we spent even more time going through all our names and classifying them by these criteria, so that we could price them according to their brand value, and make them easy to find and visualize.

We launched BrandBucket in 2007 and after our first few sales we got great feedback from people who told us how easy we made the domain search process for them.
You may or may not know this, but…

Top branding agencies can charge 6- or 7-figures for a brand name (that hopefully comes with a matching .com domain name). And you know what? If your company can actually afford it, it can be worth it. That’s how important a name is. But for everyone else, especially entrepreneurs who are bootstrapping it, we provide a less expensive, and less time-consuming option for highly brandable names. And truth be told, some of those branding agencies I mentioned actually search our catalogs for the names they present to clients. Of course, they don’t want anyone to know that, but they know a good deal like anyone else.

What excites us most right now is that we have an opportunity to make it possible for more and more people to start their own businesses, and launch new products and services. We believe a great brand name should be available to everyone, not just the Fortune 500. One day we’d like to expand our site to be a community for people out there that need to pick a name and promote a brand.
If there’s one thing we’d like to leave you with it’s this…

Most people struggle for weeks to find a brand. They think of a name, go check if the .com is available, and it’s not. They may even try to contact the owner to see if the name is for sale, and if they are lucky to get a response the price is usually outrageous and not based on the current market. They then think of another name, only to repeat the cycle. Meanwhile, the business drags on because everyone is waiting for a name to rally behind, and to use on everything from marketing materials to business cards and bank accounts.
Instead, we suggest…

Start with a list of what you can get. Start with what you know is good. Start by searching BrandBucket. We’re here to help.

Margot Bushnaq
Margot Bushnaq
Founder and CEO

BrandBucket Inc.
714 Hampton Drive
Los Angeles, California 90291
United States

