.CD 是刚果民主共和国(The Democratic Republic Congo)的国别域名。
域名管理机构:Office Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications – OCPT (刚果邮电局)
注册:$49 续费:$49 转入:$49
尊敬的 Registrar 合作伙伴:
请注意,CONIC、Webnet Africa、Mikuba 不再被允许管理 ccTLD .cd
由于登记处管理不规范,向他们提供这份合同的 Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications(SCPT,前身为 OCPT)已将其合并。
我们已经将 CD Registry 服务器转移到 SCPT 的完全控制权上,并且我们即将完成新 Web 界面的配置,供客户管理他们的 .CD 域。
请忽略来自 CONIC/Webnet Africa/Mikuba(所有同一团队)的消息,因为他们的数据库已经与 断开连接。CD 注册处自 2017 年 8 月 10 日起。
请通过电子邮件(支持 AT nic.cd)与我们联系,以获取有关如何重新获得 Registrar 访问帐户的说明。
.CD 注册表团队
Dear Registrar Partners,
Be advice that CONIC, Webnet Africa, Mikuba are no more allowed to manage the ccTLD .CD
Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT, formely OCPT) who give them this contract have concelled it due to irregularities in the managment of the Registry.
We have already transfered the CD Registry servers on the total controle of SCPT and we are close to finish the configuration of the new web interface for customers to manage their .CD domains.
We will send your login credentials as soon as it is ready.
In this transition time no domain names will be suspended, event if they came to their expirity date.
Please ignore messages from CONIC/Webnet Africa/Mikuba (all the same team) as their database is already disconnected from the .CD Registry since 10th August 2017.
Please contact us by eMail (support AT nic.cd) to receive instructions on how to regain your Registrar access account.
The .CD Registry Team
义项:与光碟(CD,Compact Disc)的英文缩写一致