
2022年12月14日 | 分类: 域名案例



在本文中,我对跨越点两侧的单个短词的拼装域名感兴趣。我只包括正在使用的域名。虽然多词域黑客当然是可能的,但我想强调一些最好的短单字黑客。所有这些域名的售价很可能都在 5 位数或更高,尽管在少数情况下我无法确定确切的价格。

这个极好的拼装域名被塔可钟用于重定向。.co注册局最近在Twitter上分享了该名称的使用,但我找不到公开宣布出售该域名的消息。它目前被列为Taco Bell的Twitter帐户上的网站。

这必须是 .win 扩展名中最好的域名之一。该名称今年早些时候以22,500美元的价格出售,并且已经被Twin在线赌场业务重定向使用。看看他们最终是将其用于主站点还是只是希望将其用于重定向,这将是很有趣的。

.top 新扩展名带来了许多伟大的黑客攻击,包括中国超级代币加密货币网站直接使用的这个。该域名在2017年以161,684美元的价格直接从江苏邦宁出售。对于许多不同类型的企业来说,这可能是一个极好的域名,而且毫不奇怪,这是NameBio数据库中拼装域名的最高价值销售。



这个拼装域名于2017年底在Flippa以25,000美元的价格出售。虽然它几乎有无穷无尽的用途,从游泳池到水上乐园,从泳装到潜水设备,但目前乔恩·布赫(Jon Buch)使用它来重定向到他自己名字.com。他是Vio Publishing的创始人,之前是Gigya的创意总监。Gigya现在是SAP的一部分。

德语.de扩展名有很多很好的黑客攻击,例如2012年在Sedo以25,000美元的价格售出的 ma.de。该域名用于人才策展公司MADE的主网站。

“顶部”一词的意思只是在顶部或第一个,这个拼装域名被 A.top 亚洲数字资产交易所使用。该域名在2014年以96,670美元的价格售出 Com.top。


.es域名后缀可用于各种单词的复数形式。拼装域名于2009年在Sedo以10,695美元的价格出售 movi.es。明智的是,它被Netflix用作重定向。


NameBio 的一个鲜为人知的功能是您可以轻松搜索域黑客销售历史记录。从主菜单中,选择类别字段下的利基。然后在子类别中选择域黑客。请注意,您可以使用任何其他 NameBio 功能来缩小搜索范围,例如特定扩展名、价格或日期范围内的拼装域名攻击。您甚至可以查看NameBio列出的拼装域名的完整列表。NameBio目前显示594个拼装域名销售,平均价格为3872美元。NameBio列出的拼装域名销售最高,s.top 为161,684美元。列出的许多高价值拼装域名销售并未使用,其中一些目前已上市出售。

至少在历史上,“黑客”这个词具有负面含义,因为它通常与某人不当地获得控制权有关,尽管由于技术社区,如黑客新闻、黑客马拉松、编程和 Facebook 等总部位于美国加利福尼亚州门洛帕克 1 Hacker Way 的公司,消极情绪正在减弱。

我认为域名社区应该想出一个更积极的名字。Unidot 或 trans-dot 域名呢?我相信读者可以想出更好的可能性!为什么不在评论中分享它们?


A domain hack uses content from both sides of the dot to form a word or phrase – for example: s.top. While domain investors have created many imaginative domain name hacks, the number in actual use is much smaller. In this post, I look at a selection of short single-word domain hacks currently in business use, either as a main site or for redirection. I also offer tips for finding domain hack sales history and pose the question about whether we should change the name for this category of domain names, given the historically-negative connotations associated with hacking.

A Selection of Short Domain Name Hacks

In this article, I’m interested in domain name hacks of a single short word that spanned the two sides of the dot. I only included domain names that are in active use. While multi-word domain hacks are certainly possible, I want to highlight some of the best short single-word hacks. It’s likely that all of these domain names sold for 5 figures or more, although in a few cases I could not determine the exact price.

This superb domain hack is used for redirection by Taco Bell. The use of the name was recently shared on Twitter by the .co registry, but I could not find a publicly-announced sale of the domain name. It is currently listed as their website on Taco Bell’s Twitter account.

This has to be one of the best domain names in the .win extension. The name sold earlier this year for $22,500, and it’s already in redirection use by the Twin online casino business. It will be interesting to see if ultimately they use it for their main site or simply wanted it for redirection.

The .top new extension makes for numerous great hacks, including this one that is in direct use by the Chinese Super Token cryptocurrency site. The domain name sold for $161,684 in 2017 direct from Jiangsu Bangning. This could have been a superb domain name for many different types of businesses, and it’s not surprisingly the highest-value sale of a domain hack in the NameBio database.

This interesting domain hack is also a domain twin, a repeated word on both sides of the dot. It is in use by a site that sells various meme-themed merchandise. There is currently not a public record of its sale price.

The .ly extension is used in many domain hacks, including this one that sold for $100,000 in 2011. It is currently used for redirection to the products page at Infor, a hybrid cloud artificial intelligence products promotion company.

This domain hack sold late in 2017 for $25,000 at Flippa. While it has an almost endless number of possible uses from pools to waterparks and swimwear to diving equipment, it is currently used by Jon Buch for redirection purposes to the .com of his own name. He is a founder at Vio Publishing and previously was a creative director at Gigya. Gigya is now part of SAP.

The German .de extension makes for lots of good hacks, such as ma.de that sold for $25,000 at Sedo in 2012. The domain name is used for the main website of MADE, a talent curation company.

The word “atop” means simply on top or first, and this domain hack is used by the A.top Asian digital asset exchange. The domain name sold for $96,670 in 2014 at Com.top.

Not surprisingly, this descriptive domain name is in use for a diet site. The domain name sold for $10,000 in 2016.

The .es domain extension can be used for plurals of various words. The domain hack movi.es sold in 2009 for $10,695 at Sedo. Wisely, it is in use by Netflix as a redirect.

Discussion of Domain Hacks

There have been a number of discussions about domain hacks on NamePros over the years, including this thread started in 2010 that asks Are domain hacks good? Some posts in that thread indicate differences in opinion over what is a domain hack. Some domain investors use the term more generally, for example, considering two words split by a dot also to be a hack, while some experts have referred to that as expanding the dot. An interesting question is whether the demand for domain hacks changed with the introduction of the new domain extensions.

Finding Domain Hack Sales

A little known feature of NameBio is that you can easily search domain hack sales history. From the main menu, select Niche under the Category field. Then select Domain Hacks within the Subcategory. Note that you can use any of the other NameBio features to narrow your search, such as domain hacks in a particular extension, price, or date range. You can even view the full list of NameBio-listed domain hacks. NameBio currently shows 594 domain hack sales with an average price of $3872. The highest NameBio-listed domain name hack sale was s.top at $161,684. Many of the high-value domain name hack sales listed are not in use with a number of them currently listed for sale.

Time for a Name Change?

The word “hack” has, at least historically, had a negative connotation since it has usually been associated with someone improperly gaining control, although the negativity is waning due to tech communities, such as Hacker News, hackathons, programming, and companies like Facebook with their headquarters located at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA, USA.

I think the domain community should come up with a more positive name. What about unidot or trans-dot domain names? I am sure readers can come up with better possibilities! Why not share them in the comments?

Have Your Say!

Please provide your input in the comments.

  • What great single-word domain hacks in current use are missing from this article?
  • Do you invest in domain name hacks? Have you sold any yet?
  • Do you think domain hacks are more popular in certain geographical regions or subject niches?
  • Do you think that the new domain extensions have decreased or increased interest in domain hacks?
  • What would be your choice for a better name for domain hacks?