
2022年11月9日 | 分类: 域名停放服务商




作者:Aaron Oxborrow


2020年7月,Afilias的白金域名销售总监 Mark Ghoriafi 的销售列表中出现 DOMAIN.IO 。





在过去的一年里,我一直在构建 Domain.io 成为我一直想要的投资组合管理工具。我的投资组合只有大约 400 个域名,但它是如此混乱,散落在如此多的注册商和市场上。我想在一个地方管理我所有的定价,一个单一的事实来源,我希望我所有的验证TXT记录都自动添加一组名称服务器。无论您是否使用名称服务器和着陆器,Domain.io 都将帮助您达到投资组合的最大曝光率。

当我第一次将我的整个投资组合整合到 Domain.io 时,我惊讶地发现,实际上只有不到50%的投资组合在Afternic/Sedo/Dan的所有三个投资组合中上市。我知道我一直懒于更新列表,但我不知道它有多糟糕。现在我每个市场的上市率为92%,11月和12月是我迄今为止最好的月份。以下是我为到达那里所做的。

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1. 首先,我去了我拥有名字的每个域名注册商,并导出了我所有名字的列表。这确保了我的初始工作列表是 100% 干净和最新的,没有过期或出售的域。可选:当我登录到每个注册商时,我还将所有域的名称服务器设置为 ns1.domain.io 和 ns2.domain.io,以便我可以使用 Domain.io 着陆器和批量 DNS。

2. 收集完所有注册商导出文件后,我只需将它们一个接一个地直接导入 Domain.io。如果单击大的“添加域”按钮,则会出现“批量导入器”选项。从那里你可以导入几乎任何电子表格 – 我已经测试了几十个注册商和市场。一旦我所有的域名都 Domain.io 我仔细检查并设置了BIN和最低报价价格。

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3. 现在,有了我新更新的投资组合,我已经准备好进入售后市场了。在 Domain.io 市场页面上,有三个单独的导出按钮,每个按钮都是专门为Afternic,Sedo和Dan量身定制的。我为每个市场导出了一个新文件,并迅速将所有帐户完全清除。我强烈推荐这家,感觉很棒!我的帐户中有很多早已消失、过期、价格低廉和已售出的域名,需要数周时间才能将它们全部整理出来。我将全新的电子表格上传到Afternic,Sedo和Dan中的每一个。如果您不想将帐户擦除干净,请务必在上传投资组合时使用“协调”选项。由于我的域使用的是配置了 TXT 验证 Domain.io 名称服务器,因此它们都经过了快速验证。当然,从 Domain.io 仪表板中监控您的列表状态很容易。

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Domain.io 可以做得更多,但迄今为止,让我的投资组合以一致的定价完全联合的核心好处是最大的差异。


无论您是要更新的 20 个域还是 20,000 个域,Domain.io 都可以处理它。

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您可以使用按钮规则和自定义字段完全按照自己的需要配置 BIN 和联系人按钮。我们的 Dan.com 集成意味着直接从着陆器进行BIN结账的5%佣金。




我们才刚刚开始。免费试用 Domain.io 30天,无需信用卡,让我知道您的想法!!

Hello Domain Pros!

For the past year I have been building Domain.io to be the portfolio management tool I always wanted. My portfolio is only around 400 domains but it was such a mess, strewn across so many registrars and marketplaces. I wanted to manage all my pricing in one place, a single source of truth, and I wanted my ALL my verification TXT records to be automatically added with one set of nameservers. Whether you use the nameservers and landers or not, Domain.io is gonna help you reach maximum exposure for your portfolio.

When I first brought my entire portfolio together into Domain.io, I was surprised to see that less than 50% was actually listed on all three of Afternic/Sedo/Dan. I knew I had been lazy about updating listings, but I had no idea how bad it was. Now I am at 92% listed for each market, and November and December have been my best months ever by far. Below is what I did to get there.

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1. First I went to every domain registrar where I own names and exported a list of all my names. This ensures my initial working list is 100% clean and up to date with no expired or sold domains. Optional: While I was logged into each registrar I also set the nameservers for all my domains to ns1.domain.io and ns2.domain.io, so I can use the Domain.io landers and Bulk DNS.

2. Once I had gathered all my registrar export files, I just imported them directly into Domain.io, one after another. If you click the big “Add Domains” button there is a “Bulk Importer” option. From there you can import just about any spreadsheet — I have tested with dozens of registrars and marketplaces. Once all my domains were in Domain.io I carefully went through and set BIN and minimum offer prices.

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3. Now with my freshly updated portfolio I was ready to hit the aftermarkets. On the Domain.io Markets page, there are three separate Export buttons, each specifically tailored for Afternic, Sedo, and Dan. I exported a fresh file for each market and promptly wiped all my accounts entirely clean. I highly recommend this, it felt great! There were so many long gone, expired, poorly priced, and sold domains in my accounts, it would have taken weeks to sort them all out. I uploaded the fresh new spreadsheets to each of Afternic, Sedo, and Dan. If you don’t want to wipe your account clean, be sure to use the “reconcile” options when uploading your portfolio. Because my domains were using Domain.io nameservers with TXT verification configured, they were all verified quickly. It is of course easy to monitor your listing status from within the Domain.io dashboard.

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Domain.io can do a lot more, but this core benefit of getting my portfolio fully syndicated with consistent pricing has been the biggest difference maker so far.

Some other fun features are:

Seriously Awesome Bulk Management Tools
Whether it’s 20 or 20,000 domains you are updating, Domain.io can handle it.

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Ridiculously Configurable Payment Options
You can configure your BIN and contact buttons exactly how you want them using button rules and custom fields. Our Dan.com integration means 5% commission on BIN checkouts directly from the lander.



HOW ABOUT ALL THE BUTTONS SIR? (not recommended!)

We’re just getting started. Try Domain.io free for 30 days, no credit card required, and let me know what you think!!


Manage your domain portfolio and automate marketplace listings

Save time and quickly list your domains on multiple marketplaces. Stop updating spreadsheets and never add another TXT record. The ultimate domain portfolio management tool is finally here.

Smart domainer using Domain.io

All-in-one Platform

A better way to manage your domain portfolio

As a domain investor you might spend hours updating your listings on Afternic, Sedo, and DAN. You know the hassle of juggling nameservers and setting TXT records for ownership verification. If managing your domain listings has become a full-time job, it is time to automate. Stop wasting your time on tedious spreadsheets and get maximum exposure with our multiple listing service and bulk DNS management.

Multiple Listing Service
Manage your prices in one place and then list your domains on multiple marketplaces for maximum visibility and sales.

Marketplace Monitor & Sync
Track your listings across marketplaces and prevent pricing discrepancies. (Afternic, Sedo, DAN, etc.)

Bulk DNS Management
Stop juggling nameservers and TXT records for every new domain. Use our nameservers for automatic ownership verification.

Beautiful SSL Landing Pages
Use our premium landing page templates, customize to taste with a logo or background, or redirect elsewhere.

Secure Escrow Transactions
Use DAN.com or Escrow.com integrations for secure escrow transactions with the lowest possible commissions.

Accurate Spending Forecasts
Track purchase price and renewal costs across all registrars to get high-level financials for your entire portfolio.