
2023年3月27日 | 分类: 域名注册服务商


2015 年 1 月,谷歌宣布旗下域名注册服务 Google Domains 上线测试,该服务提供域名注册、域名托管、DNS、SSL 证书等服务。

到 2022 年 3 月,也就是经过 7 年的测试后,Google Domains 终于正式推出,彼时谷歌还搞了不少促销活动吸引用户转移到 Google Domains,而且谷歌还故意不修改土耳其区汇率,以至于注册或续费 COM 域名,谷歌实际上在倒贴钱,以此吸引用户。

2023 年 6 月份谷歌宣布 Google Domains 倒闭啦,测试 7 年、正式上线 1 年后就凉了,谷歌将这部分业务卖给了 Squarespace,而托管在谷歌的 1000 多万个域名,将在一年过渡期后自动转入到 Squarespace。


备注:打开domains.google.com 地区换成土耳其,googlepay绑信用卡

汇率:100TRY = $5.25


不支持将此域名转移到其他 Google 帐户。维基。要与其他 Google 用户共享网域管理权限,请转到注册设置并更新权限。
要转移到其他注册商,请在购买或转让后至少等待 60 天。

Transferring this domain to a different Google account is not supported for .WIKI. To share domain management with other Google users, go to registration settings and update permissions.
To transfer to another registrar, wait at least 60 days after purchasing or transferring.


WordPress.com 日前宣布了一项新政策,该公司将免费提供 100 万个域名迁移、续费费用,帮助用户将自己的域名从 Google Domain 转入到 WordPress.com。

You may have heard that your account has been sold to Squarespace. Everything is expected to transfer and close later this year.

Fortunately for you, you’re not locked into that deal.

And we think we can do better.

For the first million domains that move from Google to WordPress.com, we’ll pay your transfer fee, which also extends your registration for an additional year.




对于从 Google 转移到 WordPress.com 的前 100 万个域名,我们将支付您的转移费用,这也会将您的注册时间再延长一年。



Transfer your Domain to Network Solutions® Today for Only $9.99* And Get A Free One Year Extension

立即将您的域名转移到网络解决方案®,只需 $9.99*,即可获得一年的免费延期。

Dear Valued Customer,

If you’ve been affected by the recent change in ownership at Google Domains, please be aware that we are here to support you through this process.

In light of this change, we want to inform you that you can transfer your domains and consolidate all your services in one convenient place, simplifying your online presence. As an added benefit, our domain transfer process includes a complimentary year of domain renewal.

Rest assured; our dedicated support team is available to assist you every step of the way. To initiate the domain transfer process, visit our transfer page or call us at 855-259-1956.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. We’re excited to serve you and provide the necessary tools for your online success.

The Network Solutions team


如果您受到 Google Domains 最近所有权变更的影响,请注意,我们将在此流程中为您提供支持。


放心;我们的专业支持团队随时为您提供帮助。要启动域名转移流程,请访问我们的转移页面或致电 855-259-1956 联系我们。

