凯文·墨菲,2016 年 12 月 2 日,13:26:24 (UTC),域名注册商
域名丢弃捕获服务 DropCatch.com 在过去几天里为其稳定增加了 500 个新的注册商认证。
这意味着,在所有 ICANN 授权的注册商中,约有 43% 目前仅由一家公司控制。
由于 gTLD 注册管理机构对域名的注册尝试进行速率限制,因此像 DropCatch 这样的 dropcatcher 找到了增加注册到期名称机会的好方法是拥有尽可能多的注册商。
DropCatch正在与SnapNames的所有者和NameJet的一半所有者 Web.com 进行军备竞赛,后者拥有约500名注册商。
新的认证将使 DropCatch 仅在 ICANN 申请费上就花费 175 万美元。他们每年将增加200万美元的运营成本,包括额外的固定费用。
这还不包括创建 500 家全新有限责任公司的成本——在新一批 DropCatch.com [number] LLC 中命名,数量从 1046 到 1545 不等——每家公司都是纯粹为了拥有认证。
DropCatch spends millions to buy FIVE HUNDRED more registrars
Kevin Murphy, December 2, 2016
Domain drop-catching service DropCatch.com has added five hundred new registrar accreditations to its stable over the last few days.
The additions give the company a total accreditation count of at least 1,252, according to DI data.
That means about 43% of all ICANN-accredited registrars are now controlled by just one company.
DropCatch is owned by TurnCommerce, which is also parent of registrar NameBright and premium sales site HugeDomains.
Because gTLD registries rate-limit attempts to register names, drop-catchers such as DropCatch find a good way to increase their chances of registering expiring names is to own as many registrars as possible.
DropCatch is in an arms race here with Web.com, owner of SnapNames and half-owner of NameJet, which has about 500 registrars.
The new accreditations would have cost DropCatch $1.75 million in ICANN application fees alone. They will add $2 million a year to its running costs in terms of extra fixed fees.
That’s not counting the cost of creating 500 brand new LLC companies — named in the new batch DropCatch.com [number] LLC where the number ranges from 1046 to 1545 — each of which is there purely for the purpose of owning the accreditation.
In total, the company is now paying ICANN fixed annual fees in excess of $5 million, not counting its variable fees and per-transaction fees.
Because the ICANN variable fee is split evenly between all registrars (with some exceptions I don’t think apply to DropCatch), I believe the addition of 500 new registrars means all the other registrars will be paying less in variable fees.
There’s clearly money to be made in expiring names.