
2023年2月24日 | 分类: 域名经验






当.com域的结束日期到来时,域提供商会首先通知所有者。在此之后,域名提供商还会授予一些最多 30 天的赎回时间,以确保到期是有意的。一旦域名续订期到期,运营该域名的公司将获得主动权,该域名的前所有者不能再申请该域名。要跟踪此过程,明智的做法是使用其中一个在线工具进行域查找并查看域的当前状态。现在,您有更好的机会在过期后认领此域名!


兑换期结束后,您是否能够注册该域名?不一定。在域名再次向公众开放之前,有长达 5 天的等待期。如果您已经下了缺货订单,那么在其他潜在买家中保护此域名的机会更高。如果除了您之外没有人预订该域名,那么当它被释放时,它将是你的。如果还有其他像您一样进行抢注的潜在买家,您最好的机会是参加适用于过期域名的域名拍卖。



Expired Domains: The Mystery is Solved!​

So you are craving for the dream domain name that you have in your mind but someone else has it. Maybe, you have been chasing this domain for years to see whether it goes spare. All of a sudden, you recognize that the owner did not renew and the domain name became expired. Even though you are eager to own this name as soon as possible; the process is not as straightforward as buying it with one click. The domain won’t be available for other businesses at the moment of expiration. Moreover, there will be competition between other people who were chasing this domain and you. So how can you get an expired domain? What are the odds? Read on to find out the full process of getting expired domains!

Step by Step: Domain Expiration Process

Here we will go through the expiration process of the .com domains. Luckily, domain expiration procedures are more or less the same for other TLD domains like .net, .org., .co.

When the end date of a .com domain comes, the domain provider notifies the owner first. After this, the domain provider also grants some redemption time up to 30 days to make sure that the expiration is intentional. Once the domain renewal period dues, the company that runs the domain gains the initiative and the former owner of the domain can no longer claim this domain. To keep track of this process, it is wise to use one of the online tools for domain lookup and see the current status of the domain. Now you have a better chance to claim this domain after it expires!

What Happens When Domain Redemption Come to an End?

Will you be able to register for the domain as soon as the redemption duration ends? Not necessarily. There is a waiting period of up to 5 days before the domain is available to the public again. If you already placed a backorder, chances are higher to secure this domain among other potential buyers. If no one preorders the domain other than you, it will be yours when it is released. If there are other potential buyers who placed backorder like you, your best chance is to attend domain auctions available for expired domains.

How to Get an Expired Domain via an Auction House?

Your best chance to secure an expired domain utterly is to join company auctions opened for expired domains. Almost all domain registration companies provide this option and these auctions happen in a time between the expiration date of the domain and the release day of the domain. Acquiring the domain in these auctions on the toss of the coin. There are absolutely no parameters that distinguish you from the rest of the candidates. However, your chances in the auction are way higher than the regular registration. Even though domain names are more expensive in auctions than regular registrations, it is worth the domain that you have been dreaming about!