
2023年7月15日 | 分类: 域名法务

filing 作为英美法系的高频词汇,构词简洁,适用广泛。

application、registration、recordation、notification、complaint、lawsuit 的发起,都可以用 filing 来表述。

因此,filing 从某种意义上来讲,就是一种发起行为按照字面意思理解,是指通过提交相关资料和信息,启动相关行政或司法程序,或者进入业务办理流程

对于 filing 的含义,实务中视需要作灵活把握:

  • 从其本意上出发,可以作“提交”、“提起”、“报备”、“呈报”、“呈交”理解;
  • 从搭配词汇出发,可以作“申请”、“申报”、“登记”、“注册”、“备案”以及“起诉”理解。

filing 与 registration 和 recordation 的搭配情况,将在下文进行探讨,以期达到举一反三的效果。

作为复数形式的 filings,不再是一个表述抽象行为的动名词,而是具体指各种提交的文件:
Filings” means pleadings, motions, or other documents; “initial filings” means the pleading or other document which initiates an action.

filing 强调行为的过程,filed 则用于表述这一行为过程的完成时点
如何界定 filed 是一个技术问题,需要在具体语境下进行确定
如果未作明确说明,filed 多指受理时点:
…argue that the trademark application was filed but not registered at the time he renewed the domain name.
此类情况下的 filed ,实际上可以理解为“受理”
Filed” means the complete receipt of any document by an agency before its close of business.
…an application for modification or rescission… is considered to be filed upon mailing.

申请人提出 registration/recordation 申请,称为 filing
registration 即“注册/登记/备案”;
recordation 一般作“备案”理解。
registration/recordation 的流程,可以分为两个阶段:
filing 是第一阶段;
registration/recordation 是第二个阶段。
filing 是前提;
registration/recordation 是结果。
…qualifying floating charge is executed prior to a notice of intention to appoint administrators being filed but not registered at Companies House…
Upon reexamination, we now conclude that filing a NFTL means delivering it to the local recorder’s office and not the act of indexing it in the local records.
习惯上,filing 在相关语境中也可与 registration/recordation 互换
…so that both registration(‘filing‘) and searching can be done via the internet…
Under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, filing, i.e., recordation, is the most common method of perfecting…
(来源:Bankruptcy Lien Invalidation, by DG Epstein)
此时,registration/recordation 一般旨在表述包括这两个阶段的整个流程。
因此,用于“注册”、“登记”或“备案”的语境时,狭义上的 filing 可能作“申请”、“提交”理解


