
2024年7月24日 | 分类: 域名抢注服务商


GlobalBlock.co 提供全球统一的域名屏蔽服务。



确保防护和安心,GlobalBlock 熟练地管理域名组合,防护它们免受意外删除或删除的影响。品牌保留解除屏蔽和注册其域名的自由,随时需要。此外,为了增强安全性,先进的 GlobalBlock+ 服务自动阻止了常常被利用于网络钓鱼和其他滥用形式的「相似变体」的注册。

自动防护:GlobalBlock 捕获所有与您品牌匹配的可用名称,并将它们放入您的账户中,以防止不良行为者获取它们。
域名解除屏蔽:您的域名被屏蔽,但在业务中找到了用途?GlobalBlock 的域名解除屏蔽服务允许您简单地提交请求,即可随时使用。
自动域名保证:错误是难以避免的。为了减少域名失去的风险,GlobalBlock 在您的品牌匹配的任何域名意外到期或被删除时均会捕获它。
优先自动抓取 (Priority AutoCatch):GlobalBlock 专注于监视与您品牌名称相对应的域名,包括第三方拥有的域名。如果这些域名变为可用,GlobalBlock 将自动为其提供安全保障,并免费将其集成到您的账户中。



Domain Name: chase.st
This name is not available for registration.
This name has been blocked by a GlobalBlock service.
Last update of whois database: 2024-07-23T21:50:15Z

1. 客户可能是 Chase 支付公司。
2. .ST 注册局与GlobalBlock.co已达成合作。


本文旨在引导您了解 101domain.com 提供的新 GlobalBlock 服务,展示一系列短视频,解决关键主题并回答常见问题,帮助您了解其价值和好处。

第 1 部分:什么是 GlobalBlock?

GlobalBlock 是由 GoDaddy 的子公司品牌安全联盟 (BSA) 开发的一项新服务。BSA 是一项新计划,专注于创新,帮助全球域名注册管理机构创建解决方案,使品牌所有者能够保护其在线身份。



在您了解 GlobalBlock 的价值之前,有必要了解一下域名系统的当前状态。目前,在200多个司法管辖区和域名注册机构的2,000多个域名扩展中,有超过3.5亿个活跃域名。从本质上讲,这意味着有丰富的域名选项可供选择,为个人提供了充足的机会使用您的品牌注册域名。

在 101domain,我们将域名系统分为三个不同的类别。

传统通用顶级域名:其中包括一些有史以来创建的首批域名后缀。您可能会认出 .net、.org、.biz 和 .info .com。
国家/地区代码域或 ccTLD:ccTLD 基于两位数的国家/地区 ISO 代码。根据我们的最新统计,共有 1,284 个顶级域名(例如 .uk)和二级域名(例如 .co.uk)分布在 200 多个司法管辖区。
新通用顶级域名或新 gTLD:新 gTLD 于 2013 年推出,不断扩展,每年发布数十个。预计 2026 年将进行另一轮,可能会为该系列引入数百个。在 101domain,我们最近推出了新的选项,例如 .ing、.meme、.diy、.food 等。根据我们的最后一次统计,数十个注册管理机构中有 592 个延期。

最后,还有 Web3 或区块链域。这些不是传统的域名。它们本质上是非常规的,在区块链系统上运行。虽然仍然相对较新且高度不受监管,但预计区块链领域的数量将激增。因此,它们是需要密切监测的重要领域。


域名空间巨大且不断扩大,每天有超过 3.5 亿个注册域名和数千个新域名创建。在整个域名领域中保护您的品牌可能既昂贵又复杂。商标保护不会自动扩展到所有域名和情况。这使得事情变得复杂,尤其是在有大量域选项可供选择的情况下。大多数公司在相关司法管辖区和变体中战略性地注册域名,同时也监控和执行其商标。

如果您要在 GlobalBlock 涵盖的所有域名后缀中单独注册公司的名称或商标,那么在时间和资源上都将非常昂贵。GlobalBlock 通过覆盖各种域名后缀并阻止可能侵权的注册(包括令人困惑的商标相似拼写错误)来简化此过程,只需支付一次减免的年费。
GlobalBlock 和现有的阻止服务有什么区别?

GlobalBlock 与现有阻止服务(例如 DPML 或 AdultBlock)之间的主要区别在于它们的范围。虽然DPML特定于Identity Digital注册机构(以前称为Donuts和Afilias),并且AdultBlock与ICM注册机构相关联,但这些服务只能在其各自的域组合选择中阻止域名。

相比之下,GlobalBlock 提供了一个统一的阻止解决方案,该解决方案跨越多个注册管理机构,涵盖了广泛的域选项。目前已有 40 多家注册管理机构加入该平台,随着未来有更多注册管理机构加入该平台,其覆盖范围将继续扩大。

第 2 部分:GlobalBlock 做什么和不做什么?

品牌安全联盟(Brand Safety Alliance)与全球40多个域名注册机构合作,推出了GlobalBlock作为统一的阻止服务。通过建立这些合作伙伴关系,GlobalBlock可以阻止所有参与的注册管理机构和扩展机构注册特定条款。当标签以这种方式被屏蔽时,相应的域名就会被从市场上移除,并且不能作为传统的域名注册。

截至目前,GlobalBlock 服务覆盖近 600 个顶级域名,包括 Web3 和区块链域名。到 2024 年底,它计划涵盖 700 到 800 个顶级域名,并正在持续覆盖。

比较 GlobalBlock 和 GlobalBlock+

GlobalBlock 有两个版本,标准版和 GlobalBlock+。如果您熟悉Identity Digital的DPML服务,您可能会发现两者有相似之处。使用这两种选项,您的标签都会在所有参与的域中快速被阻止,您可以随时付费取消阻止域,并且包括 Priority Auto-Catch 服务。Priority Auto-Catch 是一项有保证的域名抢注服务,这意味着在购买时因已注册而未包含的域名将在过期时自动添加到您的阻止列表中。

如果您已经拥有域名并希望让它们过期,以便可以使用 GlobalBlock 阻止它们作为节省成本的策略,那么 Priority Auto-Catch 功能非常有效。

GlobalBlock 和 GlobalBlock+ 之间的主要区别在于包含主要标签变体和无限制地阻止 GlobalBlock+ 独有的同形符号或同形异义词混淆字符。如果您处理过这些类型的域名抢注问题,您就会知道这的价值。记住区别的一个简单方法是,标准服务只会阻止您的确切匹配词,而 GlobalBlock+ 提供额外的功能来增强安全性。

有三种类型的标签:主标签、主标签变体和附加标签。以Bank of America为例,主要标签是“bankofamerica”,没有空格。两种 GlobalBlock 选项都允许无限制地阻止主标签。

主要标签变体,如“Bank-of-america”、“bank-ofamerica”和“bankof-america”,包括由连字符替换的空格。以类似的方式,如果您的术语中有“&”,它将被删除或替换为“and”一词。GlobalBlock+ 允许无限制地阻止主要标签变体。

GlobalBlock+ 中可能会阻止其他标签,例如“banksofamerica”或“bankofamericas”,但前提是您的DPML+已经注册了这些附加标签。
GlobalBlock 不做什么?

GlobalBlock 不会阻止您或其他人已经注册的域名,但它会自动通过 Priority Auto-Catch 捕获任何匹配的过期域。它也不会阻止已在注册局保留的域名,也不会涵盖 AdultBlock 服务中的域:.xxx、.porn、.adult 和 .sex。

使用 GlobalBlock+,您无法阻止商标的其他标签,例如复数形式、商标加词或商标包含,就像您在 DPML 阻止服务中可能习惯的那样。但是,如果您的现有 DPML+ 已包含其他标签,则它们将被转移到 GlobalBlock+,但只有附加标签的完全匹配将被阻止。

第 3 部分:GlobalBlock 涵盖(和未涵盖)哪些域?

全球域名空间巨大,域名选项的数量不断变化,这使得确定哪些域名可以被阻止变得具有挑战性。目前,GlobalBlock可以在所有可用域名选项的30%中保护您的期限,涵盖大约600个域名扩展,包括传统顶级域名、ccTLD、gTLD和区块链域名。从长远来看,在所有这些域中注册一个术语仅在一年内就可能花费超过 30,000 美元。

GlobalBlock 域名覆盖

在 GlobalBlock 和 GlobalBlock+ 之间进行选择

两种 GlobalBlock 服务都包括高级名称、解锁选项和优先自动捕获。GlobalBlock+ 为您的主标签、主标签变体和令人困惑的字符添加了无限的阻止。如果您拥有当前的 DPML+,则会自动收到针对其他标签的完全匹配阻止功能,而无需支付额外费用,这使其成为一个显着的好处。对于已有 DPML 或 DPML+ 的用户,一般建议在 GlobalBlock 中选择相应的版本。

第 4 部分:我需要哪些商标权才有资格?

GlobalBlock 的要求比以前的阻止服务更简单、更精简。您不需要来自商标信息交换中心的经过验证的商标或 SMD 文件。拥有这些可以加快激活过程,但它们不是强制性的。


GlobalBlock 资格


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第 5 部分:我已经拥有 DPML,我可以并且应该升级吗?

让我们比较一下 DPML 和 GlobalBlock。DPML 由 Identity Digital(前身为 Donuts 和 Afilias 注册机构)提供,为他们拥有的扩展提供域阻止功能。GlobalBlock 是一项统一的服务,涵盖 DPML 的扩展以及来自 40 多个其他注册管理机构的扩展,预计未来还会有增长。它最初涵盖的扩展数量是 DPML 的两倍,预计到 2024 年底将涵盖 700 到 800 个域。它还包括 DPML 的域列表和类似功能,以及 Web3 或区块链域的覆盖范围。考虑到它正在扩大覆盖范围,升级将是有益的。


如果您的 DPML 在 2025 年 2 月 28 日之前到期,您可以以 10% 的折扣购买 GlobalBlock 或 GlobalBlock+,让您的 DPML 顺其自然。如果您的 DPML 在此日期之后到期,您可以选择 GlobalBlock 桥接服务,与完整服务相比,每年可节省 1,000 美元。这项桥接服务将您现有的 DPML 保险与其他 GlobalBlock 福利相结合,直到您切换到全面服务,确保保护没有重叠。

我们建议将桥接服务作为最具成本效益的解决方案,每年可节省一半以上的 DPML 费用。

当您的 DPML 需要续订时,您可以考虑过渡到完整的 GlobalBlock 服务以避免承保范围缺口,或者您可以无限期地继续使用 DPML 和衔接服务,但由于承保级别相似,这通常是不必要的。

如果您购买了标准的 DPML,在大多数情况下,您会希望坚持使用标准的 GlobalBlock 服务或桥接服务。如果您购买了 DPML+ 服务,则需要迁移到 GlobalBlock+ 或桥接服务。

但是,需要注意的是,DPML+ 为其他标签集成了同形符号和令人困惑的字符保护,而使用 GlobalBlock+,您只能获得完全匹配的覆盖率。考虑到这一点,在订阅桥接服务的同时保留 DPML+ 将确保持续覆盖和访问未来的 GlobalBlock 功能。

我们的团队可以在 GlobalBlock 中提供有关标签覆盖率的详细报告,以帮助做出决策。如果您对从 DPML 过渡到 GlobalBlock 或任何其他注意事项有疑问,我们的客户经理可以为您提供帮助。

This article is designed to walk you through the new GlobalBlock service available at 101domain.com, presenting a series of short videos that address key topics and answer common questions, helping you understand the value and benefits.

Part 1: What is GlobalBlock?

GlobalBlock is a new service developed by the Brand Safety Alliance (BSA), a subsidiary of GoDaddy. The BSA is a new initiative focused on innovation and helping global domain name registries create solutions that empower brand owners to safeguard their online identities.

The GlobalBlock service provides brands and trademark owners block a significant portion of the domain name landscape to prevent unauthorized domain registrations using their brands or trademarks, all at a fraction of the cost it traditionally takes to do so.

An Introduction to the Domain Name System

Before you can understand the value of GlobalBlock, it is essential to take a look at the current state of the domain name system. As it exists today, there are over 350 million active domain names in over 2,000 domain extensions spread out across over 200 jurisdictions and domain registries. Essentially, this means that there are abundant domain options available, providing ample opportunities for individuals to register domain names using your brands.

At 101domain, we categorize the domain name system into three distinct buckets.

Legacy generic top-level domains: These include some of the first domain extensions ever created. You may recognize .com .net, .org, .biz, and .info.
Country code domains or ccTLDs: ccTLDs are based on two-digit country ISO codes. At our last count, there were 1,284 top-level (e.g. .uk) and second-level extensions (e.g. .co.uk) spread out across over 200 jurisdictions.
New generic top-level domains or new gTLDs: Introduced in 2013, the new gTLDs are continuously expanding, with dozens being released each year. Another round is anticipated in 2026, potentially introducing hundreds more to the collection. At 101domain, we have recently launched new options such as .ing, .meme, .diy, .food, and more. At our last count, there were 592 extensions across dozens of registries.

Finally, there are Web3 or blockchain domains. These are not traditional domain names. Unconventional in nature, they operate on the blockchain system. While still relatively new and highly unregulated, the blockchain domain space is anticipated to see a surge in numbers moving forward. Therefore, they are an important area to monitor closely.

What Core Problem Does GlobalBlock Solve?

The domain name space is vast and ever-expanding, with over 350 million registered domain names and thousands of new ones created daily. Safeguarding your brand across the entire domain name universe can be costly and complex. Trademark protection doesn’t automatically extend to all domain names and situations. This makes things complicated, especially with the massive number of domain options to choose from. Most companies strategically register domain names in relevant jurisdictions and variations while also monitoring and enforcing their trademarks.

If you were to individually register a company’s name or trademark across all of the domain extensions covered in GlobalBlock, it would be extremely costly in both time and resources. GlobalBlock streamlines this process by covering various domain extensions and blocking potentially infringing registrations, including confusingly similar typos of your trademark, for a single reduced annual fee.
What are the Differences between GlobalBlock and Existing Blocking Services?

The key difference between GlobalBlock and existing blocking services, such as DPML or AdultBlock, lies in their scope. While DPML is specific to Identity Digital registry (formerly Donuts and Afilias) and AdultBlock is associated with the ICM registry, these services can only block domain names within their respective domain portfolio selections.

In contrast, GlobalBlock offers a unified blocking solution that spans multiple registries, covering a broad range of domain options. With over 40 registries already included, its coverage will continue to grow as more registries are onboarded to the platform in the future.

Part 2: What Does GlobalBlock Do & Not Do?

The Brand Safety Alliance launched GlobalBlock as a unified blocking service in collaboration with over 40 domain registries globally. By forming these partnerships, GlobalBlock can block the registration of specific terms across all participating registries and extensions. When a label is blocked in this manner, the corresponding domain names are taken off the market and do not function as traditional domain registrations.

As of now, the GlobalBlock service covers nearly 600 TLDs, including Web3 and blockchain domains. By the end of 2024, it plans to encompass 700 to 800 TLDs, with ongoing coverage in the pipeline.

Compare GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+

GlobalBlock is available in two versions, standard and GlobalBlock+. If you are familiar with Identity Digital’s DPML services, you may find similarities in both. With both options, your labels are quickly blocked across all participating domains, you can unblock domains at any time for a fee, and the service Priority Auto-Catch is included. Priority Auto-Catch acts as a guaranteed backorder service, meaning domain names not included at the time of purchase because they were already registered are added to your block list automatically when they expire.

The Priority Auto-Catch feature works well if you already own the domain names and want to let them expire so they can be blocked with GlobalBlock as a cost-saving strategy.

The main differences between GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+ are the inclusion of main label variants and the unlimited blocking of homoglyph or homograph confusing characters exclusive to GlobalBlock+. If you have dealt with these types of domain squatting issues, you know the value this has. An easy way to remember the difference is that the standard service only blocks your exact match term, while GlobalBlock+ provides extra features for enhanced security.
A Complete Breakdown of Labels

There are three types of labels: main labels, main label variants, and additional labels. In the context of Bank of America as an example, the main label is “bankofamerica” without spaces. Both GlobalBlock options accommodate unlimited blocking of main labels.

Main label variants, like “bank-of-america”, “bank-ofamerica”, and “bankof-america”, include spaces replaced by hyphens. In a similar fashion, if you have an “&” in your term, it would be removed or replaced with the word “and”. GlobalBlock+ allows unlimited blocking of main label variants.

Additional labels, such as “banksofamerica” or “bankofamericas“, may be blocked in GlobalBlock+, but only if you have a DPML+ with these additional labels already registered.
What Does GlobalBlock Not Do?

GlobalBlock doesn’t block domain names already registered by you or someone else, but it automatically catches any matching expired domains through Priority Auto-Catch. It also doesn’t block domain names that are already reserved at a registry, nor does it cover domains in the AdultBlock service: .xxx, .porn, .adult, and .sex.

With GlobalBlock+, you can’t block additional labels of your trademark, such as plurals, trademark plus word, or trademark contains like you may be accustomed to in the DPML blocking service. However, if you have an existing DPML+ that includes additional labels already, theywill be transferred to GlobalBlock+, except only the exact match of the additional labels will be blocked.

Part 3: What Domains are Covered (& Not Covered) by GlobalBlock?

The global domain name space is vast and the number of domain options is ever-changing, which makes it challenging to determine which domains can be blocked. Currently, GlobalBlock can safeguard your term across 30% of all available domain options, covering approximately 600 domain extensions, including legacy TLDs, ccTLDs, gTLDs, and blockchain domains. To put things in perspective, registering a single term across all these domains could cost over $30,000 for just one year.

GlobalBlock Domain Coverage

Out of the gate, the domain coverage of GlobalBlock is impressive, with ongoing discussions to partner with more registries. As new domain extensions and registries are added to the service, prices for will increase accordingly. However, your subscription price will remain unchanged throughout your term whether you have signed one, two, or three-year terms.
Choosing Between GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+

Both GlobalBlock services include premium names, unblocking options, and Priority Auto-Catch. GlobalBlock+ adds unlimited blocking for your main label, main label variants, and confusing characters. If you have a current DPML+, you automatically receive exact match blocking for additional labels at no extra charge, making it a significant benefit. For those with existing DPML or DPML+, it is generally recommended to choose the corresponding version in GlobalBlock.

Part 4: What Trademark Rights Do I Need to Be Eligible?

The requirements for GlobalBlock are simple and more streamlined than previous blocking services. You don’t need a validated trademark or SMD file from the trademark clearinghouse. Having these can speed up the activation process, but they are not mandatory.

If you don’t have a validated trademark, an active trademark registration is sufficient and will be verified by the Brand Safety Alliance at no extra cost. Being a registered trademark owner is not a prerequisite. Unregistered company or organization names, as well as celebrity names, are also eligible. The chart below outlines some common acceptable documents based on the term you wish to block.

GlobalBlock Eligibility

There are a range of other options available. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, we are here to assist you.

Contact Us: +1.888.982.7940 | [email protected]
Part 5: I Already Have DPML, Can and Should I Upgrade?

Let’s compare DPML and GlobalBlock. DPML, provided by Identity Digital (formerly Donuts and Afilias registries), offers domain blocking for extensions they own. GlobalBlock is a unified service that covers DPML’s extensions and those from over 40 other registries, with future growth expected. It initially covers twice as many extensions as DPML, with a projection to encompass 700 to 800 domains by the end of 2024. It also includes DPML’s domain list and similar features, alongside coverage for Web3 or blockchain domains. Considering it’s expanding coverage, it would be beneficial to upgrade.

Upgrade Options Available to DPML Holders

If your DPML expires before February 28, 2025, you can purchase GlobalBlock or GlobalBlock+ at a 10% discount and let your DPML run its course. If your DPML expires after this date, you can opt for a GlobalBlock bridging service, saving $1,000 annually compared to the full service. This bridging service combines your existing DPML coverage with additional GlobalBlock benefits until you switch to full service, ensuring no overlap in protection.

We recommend the bridging service as the most cost-effective solution, saving over half of the DPML expense annually.

When your DPML comes up for renewal, you can consider transitioning to the full GlobalBlock service to avoid coverage gaps, or you can continue both your DPML and the bridging service indefinitely, but it’s typically unnecessary due to similar coverage levels.

If you have purchased the standard DPML, in most cases you’ll want to stick with the standard GlobalBlock service or bridging service. If you have purchased the DPML+ service, you’ll want to move to the GlobalBlock+ or bridging service.

However, it’s important to note that DPML+ incorporates homoglyph and confusing character protection for additional labels whereas with GlobalBlock+ you only get exact match coverage. Considering this, retaining DPML+ while subscribing to the bridging service would ensure continued coverage and access to future GlobalBlock features.

Our team can provide detailed reports on your label coverage in GlobalBlock to aid decision-making. If you have questions regarding the transition from DPML to GlobalBlock or any other considerations, our account executives are available to assist you.

