How to Find Good Drop Catchable Domain Names

2023年2月11日 | 分类: 域名经验



许多“域名持有者”认为,掉落捕捉已经死了,不再起作用了。他们中的许多人认为,其他昂贵的域名抢购服务(如 NameJet)是当今获得体面过期域名的唯一途径。嗯,他们相信的在某种程度上是正确的,但从我记事起,事情就真的是这样。使用第三方API服务(如DynaDot或NameSilo)来放弃捕获诸如“单字.com”之类的高级域名的想法是荒谬的。这很可能永远不会发生,因为大型犬专门针对这些高级域名,而且它们总是如此。如今,大多数成功的捕手都从较小的最终用户域名销售中获利。什么是最终用户域?例如,像 或 这样的域将被视为“最终用户”域。为什么?这背后的原因很简单。如果你要把这些名字中的一个插入搜索引擎,你会想出该地区的几十家公司,他们要么A)在他们的标题中使用该名称,要么B)在他们的实际域名中使用它。无论出于何种原因,一旦您成功捕获了域名,这都使它们成为发送销售宣传电子邮件的主要目标。使这种方法更好的是,您的最终用户域可能有数十个潜在买家 – 为您提供更多的人联系和更好的销售机会。

像Namejet和Snapnames这样的大型犬通常会从每天的域名掉落中获得最好的。如今,要成为一名成功的捕手,您需要寻找不会被大型狗瞄准的域名。增加成功捕获一个体面域名的几率的最佳方法是遵循以下提示,只选择像SnapNames和NameJet这样的大公司不会尝试注册的好域名。相信我,平均每天有9万个域名下降 – 大公司将无法全部抓住它们,许多好的域名都没有在NameJet或SnapNames上出价。这个过程需要时间,但一旦你开始建立一个好的最终用户域组合,就会有回报。在下面查看我的简单指南并进行测试。您可能会发现一些非常好的删除域,并且可以毫无问题地击败大公司来捕获它们!

每天建立您的列表 – 我喜欢做的第一件事是扫描设置为第二天删除的域列表。您可以通过选择工具 – 过期域搜索或使用提供删除域免费列表的众多免费在线网站之一从 DesktopCatcher 内部执行此操作。我更喜欢从删除域列表中建立一个值得研究的 10-15 个好域的列表。

检查最终用户 – 现在您有一个小组的域列表设置为在特定日期删除,您将需要对它们进行一些研究,看看哪些域有大量最终用户。如果域名,那么我会采用“奥斯汀法律”并将其插入谷歌和雅虎。查看结果的前两到三页,以了解有多少其他公司可能有兴趣购买该域名。如果你想出一个坚实的五家或更多的公司,那么这将是一个好兆头。显然,潜在买家越多越好。如果该域名有二三十个潜在的最终用户,那么它只会增加您成功销售的几率。请记住专门查找其主域显示在搜索结果中的公司。因此,如果我们谷歌奥斯汀法律并看到 结果,这将是一个很好的潜在最终用户。但是,如果我们看到 这将不符合潜在最终用户的条件。访问潜在的最终用户网站,看看它们看起来是旧的、过时的还是新的。如果网站很旧,那么业务甚至可能不再存在,并且该人购买您的域名的可能性不大。如果您只看到一两个潜在的最终用户,那么该域也可能值得跳过。

查看NameJet和SnapNames的出价 – 这可以追溯到我在本文前面所说的。只需访问 NameJet 和 SnapNames,然后在搜索框中输入完整的域 ( 即可进行快速搜索。如果该名称已列出并且至少有一个出价,则应立即传递该名称并将其从列表中删除。由于至少有另一个人通过这些大公司之一竞标了该域名,他们将追求它,并且很可能会击败你。您需要为本文第一个提示添加到列表中的每个域执行此操作。

检查以前的开发 – 现在您已经检查了最终用户并检查了出价,您的列表应该会减少一些。而不是原来的 10-15 个域,您现在可能只有 5-10 个。接下来要寻找的是以前在您要追求的特定域上的内容。您可以通过在 搜索域名来快速找到这一点。进行搜索后,单击返回的一些结果。查看它以前是否停放或以前开发过。以前停放的域名可能意味着以前的所有者已经试图出售它,但没有运气。同时 – 如果域名是以前开发的 – 那么可能已经有最终用户想要域名。与我之前的提示不同,不要让这成为您从列表中删除域的唯一原因。这只是另一种形式的研究,您可以使用它来帮助更好地决定该领域是否值得追逐。

检查其他扩展 – 花一分钟时间访问您最喜欢的域名注册商。输入每个域,看看其他扩展名是否已注册。如果您正在追逐.COM版本,并且 .NET 和 .ORG 都已被采用,那么这是一个好兆头。如果其中一个目前已发展成为商业网站,那么您已经有一两个真正可靠的最终用户线索可以联系。

保持您的列表有限 – 您原来的 10-15 个域列表现在应该相当短。理想情况下,在您执行了所有这些检查之后,您的列表中可能会剩下 3-5 个域,所有这些都值得尝试放弃捕获并为您提供一个相当公平的机会来获得它们。3-5个域名的列表是完美的大小,因为追逐太多域名可能根本无法让您得到任何内容(如果这有意义的话!

这可以分配接受,但不要犹豫,重新阅读文章两到三遍。这听起来像是分配工作,但如果您有良好的来源来搜索和查找删除域的每日列表,则该过程可能会快得多。您不必执行上面列出的每个步骤,但在尝试捕获域之前,绝对应该在搜索引擎中检查最终用户并在NameJet / SnapNames上检查出价。这两个技巧可以节省您尝试捕获您很可能永远不会成功获取的域名的时间(因为它们在大公司有出价)。请记住,寻找多个企业可以使用的域名,并寻找大公司尚未出价的域名。这些是您将拥有成功捕获掉落的最佳机会的域!

How to Find Good Drop Catchable Domain Names

Many “domainers” believe that drop catching is dead and doesn’t work anymore. Many of them think that other expensive domain backordering services like NameJet are the only way to get a decent expired domain these days. Well, what they believe is true to an extent, but things have really been that way as far back as I can remember. The idea of using third party API services (such as DynaDot or NameSilo) to drop catch premium domain names such as a “one-word dot com” is ludicrous. It will most likely never happen because the big dogs specifically target these premium domains and they always have. Most successful drop catchers today make their bread and butter off smaller end-user domain sales. What are end-user domains? For example, a domain like or would be considered an “end-user” domain. Why? The reason behind this is simple. If you were to take one of these names and plug it into a search engine you would come up with dozens of companies in the area who either A) Use that name in their title, or B) Use it in their actual domain name itself. Whichever the reason may be, this makes them a prime target to send your sales pitch email to once you’ve successfully caught the domain. What makes this method even better is that your end-user domain may have dozens of potential buyers out there – Giving you more people to contact and a better shot of making the sale.

The big dogs like Namejet and Snapnames will usually get the best of the best out of each days’ domain drops. To be a successful drop catcher nowadays you need to look for the domain names that won’t be targeted by the big dogs. The best way to increase your odds of successfully catching a decent domain is to follow the tips below and only go for good domains that big companies like SnapNames and NameJet won’t be trying to register. Trust me, with an average of 90K domains or so dropping every day – the big companies won’t be able to catch them all, and many good domains go without ever getting a bid at NameJet or SnapNames. The process takes time but can be rewarding once you start building a good portfolio of end-user domains. Check out my simple guide below and put it to the test. You may find some really good deleting domains and have no problem beating the big companies to drop catching them!

Build Your List Each Day – The first thing I like to do is scan a list of domains set to delete on the following day. You can do this from inside DesktopCatcher by selecting Tools – Expired Domain Search or by using one of the many free websites online that offers free lists of deleting domains. I prefer to build a list of 10-15 good domains from the deleting domains list that are worth looking into.

Check for End-Users – Now that you have a small list of domains set to delete on a certain date you will want to research them a little and see which ones have a good amount of end users. If the domain is then I would take “Austin Law” and plug it into both Google and Yahoo. Have a look at the first two or three pages of results to get an idea of how many other companies out there might be interested in buying the domain. If you come up with a solid five or more companies then this would be a good sign. Obviously, the more potential buyers the better. If the domain has twenty or thirty potential end users out there then it will only increase your odds of successfully selling. Remember to look specifically for companies that have their main domain showing up in the search results. So, if we Google Austin Law and see as a result this would be a great potential end user. However, if we see this would not really qualify as a potential end user. Visit the potential end user websites and see if they look old and outdated – or new. If the website is old the business may not even be around anymore and the odds of that person buying your domain is not very likely. If you only see one or two potential end users out there then the domain may also be worth skipping.

Look on NameJet and SnapNames for Bids – This goes back to what I was saying a little earlier in this article. Simply visit both NameJet and SnapNames and input the full domain ( into the search box to do a quick search. If the name is listed and there is at least one bid on it then you should immediately pass on the name and remove it from your list. Since at least one other person out there has bid on the domain through one of these big companies they will be going after it, and will most likely beat you to it. You will want to do this for each domain you added into your list from the first tip in this article.

Check for Previous Development – Now that you have checked for end users and checked for bids your list should be dwindling some. Instead of the original 10-15 domains you may now have only 5-10. The next thing to look for is what was previously on the particular domains you are going after. You can find this out quickly by doing a search of the domain name at Once you do a search click on some of the results that come back for it. See if it was previously parked or previously developed. Previously parked domains might mean that the previous owner already tried to sell it, but with no luck. At the same time – if the domain was previously developed – then there may already be end-users out there who have been wanting the domain. Unlike my previous tip, don’t let this be the only reason you remove a domain from your list. This is just another form of research you can use to help make a better decision on whether the domain is worth chasing or not.

Check other Extensions – Take a minute and visit your favorite domain registrar. Type each domain in and see if other extensions are already registered. If you’re chasing the .COM version and both the .NET and .ORG are already taken then this a good sign. If one or the other is currently developed into business websites then you already have one or two really solid end-user leads to contact.

Keep Your List Limited – Your original list of 10-15 domains should now be fairly short. Ideally, after you have performed all of these checks you may end up with 3-5 domains left in your list, all worth trying to drop catch and giving you a pretty fair shot at getting them. A list of 3-5 domains is the perfect size because chasing too many may not get you any at all (if that makes sense!)

This can be allot to take in but don’t hesitate to re-read the article two or three times. It may sound like allot of work but the process can be much quicker if you have good sources to search and find daily lists of deleting domains. You don’t have to perform every step listed above but checking for end-users in the search engines and checking for bids at NameJet/SnapNames should definitely be done before you try to catch domains. These two tips can save you time trying to catch domain names you will most likely never be successful at grabbing (because they have bids at the big companies). Remember, look for domains that multiple businesses can use and look for domains that the big companies don’t already have bids on. These are the domains you will have the best shot at successful drop catching!