
2023年4月10日 | 分类: 域名经验

Interest in .AI Domains has Tripled

Interest in .AI Domains has Tripled


有了关于ChatGPT和谷歌吟游诗人的所有新闻,人工智能肯定有一个时刻。科技最热门的趋势也是域名最热门的趋势。我们查看了从域名买家那里收到的查询数量。今年到目前为止(1 月 1 日至 3 月 31 日),AI 域名已经增加了两倍多!与 2022 年相比,它们增长了 208%,并且没有很快放缓的迹象。这种趋势已经持续了一段时间。几年前,我们首先强调了这个机会 https://blog.domainagents.com/2018/11/21/trending-ai-domains/

很像之前的 .co、.io 和 .xyz。人工智能已成为科技创业公司的热门延伸。像 .co 和 .io,.AI实际上是一个国家代码域。在这种情况下,它是加勒比海的一个小岛安圭拉的国家代码。

如果您正在寻找 .AI域名,仍然有相当好的名字,你可以在Namecheap这样的注册商处注册它们。过期。AI域名每月也会在 Auction.Whois.ai 拍卖一次。

With all of the news about ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, Artificial Intelligence is definitely having a moment. The hottest trend in tech is also the hottest trend in domain names. We looked at the number of inquiries we’ve received from domain buyers for .AI domain names so far this year (January 1st to March 31st) and they have more than tripled! Compared to 2022, they are up 208% and show no sign of slowing down soon. This trend has building for a while now. We first highlighted the opportunity several years ago.

Much like .co, .io, and .xyz before it, .AI has become a hot extension for tech startups. And like .co and .io, .AI is actually a country code domain. In this case, it’s the country code for Anguilla, a tiny island in the Caribbean.

If you’re looking for a .AI domain name, there are still pretty good names that you can register them at a registrar like Namecheap. Expired .AI domains are also auctioned off once per month at Auction.Whois.ai. If you are looking for a domain broker to buy an already registered, we’re happy to help with that.