
2015年3月5日 | 分类: 域名注册服务商


MarkMonitor.com 是一家专业的企业域名托管公司,托管着不少世界上顶级的互联网公司和世界500强的域名。只能是邀请,而不能主动注册。


客户选择 MarkMonitor 是因为它兼具行业领先的专业知识、先进的技术和广泛的行业关系,可以保护客户的营销投资、收益和客户信任度。 由于我们在为全球化企业制定和实施品牌保护策略方面拥有无与伦比的丰富经验,一半以上的《财富》100 强企业均委托 MarkMonitor 提供品牌在线保护。

MarkMonitor Domain Management 通过提供对全球域名的完全可视化、可控性和安全性服务,保护企业的域名组合,从而协助企业建立并维护其在线品牌形象。 自 1999 年成立以来,MarkMonitor 一直是经互联网名称与数字地址分配机构 (ICANN) 认证的域名注册商,拥有丰富的域名管理业务知识和见解。

MarkMonitor can not only help you make your mark, it can help you protect it. The company provides software used to manage intellectual property on the Internet, including applications for brand protection and trademark management, as well as securing website domains and enterprise DNS information. MarkMonitor also provides fraud protection applications used to detect, analyze, and combat phishing and malware attacks. In addition to hosted software, it offers managed services such as consulting, enforcement lifecycle management, and brand threat reporting. The company was founded in 1999, and has been an ICANN-accredited domain registrar since then. It has offices in the US and Europe.


2012年7月,汤森路透(Thomson Reuters,http://www.thomsonreuters.com)收购MarkMonitor,MarkMonitor总裁兼CEO伊尔凡•萨利姆(Irfan Salim)及其团队也将加入汤森路透。汤森路透在官方新闻稿中表示,收购Markmonitor将有助于增强汤森路透知识产权解决方案的专利组合。汤森路透拥有一流的知识产权解决方案,再加上MarkMonitor在互联网品牌保护方面的创新。这样的组合将为客户提供有用高效的端对端(end-to-end)品牌保护方案。

CSC (Corporation Service Company)(https://www.cscglobal.com)和MarkMonitor一样,也是给企业做品牌保护的服务公司。

We offer digital brand services to help protect brands online. We register and manage thousands of domain names, respond to online brand infringement and help monitor and clear trademarks in a global market.

2016年,汤森路透以35.5亿美元出售了旗下的MarkMonitor,买家是私募基金Onex公司和BaringPrivate Equity Asia 公司。



MarkMonitor® Domain Management lets any large enterprise protect a vital component of its brand and its business: its portfolio of domain names. Domain Management safeguards
brands and revenues easily and efficiently.




两家公司今天宣布,公司域名注册商 MarkMonitor 将以 3.025 亿美元现金出售给 Newfold Digital。
该公司目前的所有者科睿唯特 (Clarivate) 在 2017 年以未披露的金额收购了 MarkMonitor,并在两年后出售了其品牌保护部门。
因此,Newfold 将注册商业务和域名管理服务添加到其稳定的业务中,该业务已经包括 Network Solutions、Register.com、Web.com 和 Domain.com。
MarkMonitor 管理着大约 100 万个 gTLD 域和数量未知的 ccTLD 域。
两家公司在一份新闻稿中表示,该公司在全球约有 2000 个客户。
MarkMonitor 预计今年营收约 8,000 万美元,息税前利润约 3,500 万美元。


Newfold Digital于去年年底收购了Markmonitor,这项新服务就是收购如何帮助Markmonitor客户的一个例子。
其注册商包括Network Solutions、Register.com、Domain.com和BigRock等,它还经营过期的域名市场NameJet和SnapNames。
业内人士表示已联系Newfold Digital,了解Markmonitor可以帮助其客户在完成完整的到期流程之前捕获哪些域名。
该公司发言人写道:通过Newfold Expiry和Drop catching可获得的任何域名都有可能提供给我们的Markmonitor客户,这些客户已经通过我们的DomainDefend计划批准了匹配标准。

Markmonitor Launches New DomainDefend Program
Newfold Digital Logo (PRNewsfoto/Newfold Digital)

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Mar 28, 2023, 10:00 ET
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New monitoring program offers corporate domain customers front-of-the-line access to desirable domain names

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Markmonitor, an industry-leading enterprise-level provider of domain management solutions, today announced the launch of DomainDefend, its enhanced monitoring subscription program of aftermarket spaces that offers brand owners front-of-the-line access to desirable domain names.

The requirements of global companies in the naming space are often uniquely complex and require a custom blend of technology and service to be met effectively. Markmonitor’s latest innovative offering, DomainDefend, is an expansion of its white-glove services that now includes early access to desirable domains coming available due to expiration or being listed on the aftermarket.

Now backed by Newfold Digital, Markmonitor is even better resourced to deliver the expert personalized support and leading-edge technical solutions that enterprise customers need and deserve. Through this strategic relationship, Markmonitor is now able to access unique capabilities that can be leveraged to meet the evolving needs of corporate customers. DomainDefend takes advantage of Newfold’s extensive aftermarket business, which is recognized as one of the largest in the industry.

Every day, tens of thousands of previously owned domain names expire and become available for purchase. The window to acquire these names can be very short and competition can be fierce. For corporate entities with a brand and trademark to protect, a core brand name falling into the wrong hands can be devastating.

DomainDefend monitors and notifies brand owner subscribers of aftermarket-listed and soon-to-expire domain names that contain their trademarked terms. This early warning allows brand owners to backorder where appropriate and gives front-of-line access to subscribers to buy listed domains at a flat rate, which dramatically increases the likelihood of successful registration upon expiry or availability for acquisition in the aftermarket auctions.

The process starts with brand owners providing their list of trademarked terms for review and keyword correlation. Then, Markmonitor’s proprietary software continuously scans for domain names entering the market that match the defined terms. Notices are then sent for review immediately, allowing brand owners to act, if desired, prior to the general public.

“The success of small businesses, enterprises and corporate entities alike begins with an established web presence and domain registration, management and security,” said Ed Jay, President of Newfold Digital, the parent company of Markmonitor. “DomainDefend optimizes the success of domain registration for enterprises and corporate entities that are at risk of their trademarks being infringed upon. While many brand owners currently use a domain watch service that doesn’t offer a view of the full lifecycle of the domain name or where they can participate, DomainDefend offers unique front-of-line access, domain control and reduces use of time-consuming and expensive legal remediation.”

For more information, please contact the team at Markmonitor.com.

新闻:MarkMonitor将以现金35亿5千万美元出售给私募基金Onex公司和 BaringPrivate Equity Asia 公司

据海外财经媒体报导,知名域名服务商MarkMonitor将以现金35亿5千万美元出售给私募基金Onex公司和 BaringPrivate Equity Asia 公司。MarkMonitor母公司汤森路透社(ThomsonReuters)去年在其年度财报中已披露出售意愿,表示业务并不是其发展战略的核心。


