与CentralNIC工程主管 Oliver Fries 的问答

2024年9月27日 | 分类: 域名经验


与工程主管 Oliver Fries 的问答

欢迎来到我们问答系列的另一个富有洞察力的版本,我们将深入探讨推动我们成功的杰出人才的经验和观点。在本期中,我们很高兴向您介绍工程主管 Oliver Fries。

加入我们,我们将探索他对是什么使 CentralNic Reseller 在域名行业中脱颖而出、塑造市场的最新趋势以及展示我们对创新和卓越的承诺的激动人心的项目的看法。

了解当今域名经销商面临的独特挑战,以及 CentralNic Reseller 如何使其合作伙伴在竞争激烈的环境中蓬勃发展。
Q.在您看来,CentralNic Reseller 与其他域名转售服务有何不同?

CentralNic Reseller 在域名转售市场中脱颖而出有几个原因,其中最重要的区别之一是其广泛的全球影响力和对本地市场的关注。CentralNic Reseller 为客户提供全方位服务,并根据客户需求提供量身定制的解决方案。


除了新顶级域名 (TLD) 的兴起之外,域名行业的一个特别有趣的趋势是行业内的持续整合。这种整合涉及较大的公司收购较小的注册商和域名服务提供商。这一趋势正在显著重塑域名行业的格局。虽然这可以增强服务和创新,并通过本地专业知识实现全球影响力,但它也带来了挑战,例如减少竞争和潜在的市场垄断,这可能导致消费者在定价和选择方面处于不利条件。我们将看到这种情况如何发展。

Q.您能否分享一下您在 CentralNic Reseller 取得的成就或项目,您特别引以为豪?

在技术方面,我想强调一下我们的数据中心在 2023 年底从圣英伯特成功搬迁到法兰克福,以及为我们的客户推出了新的 JSON/REST API,通过该 API 我们提供了欺诈检测服务以及我们新的支付编排。

在产品方面,值得一提的是,我们升级了 Expiry Auction 服务,该服务已升级,现在支持数量惊人的 50 个 TLD,以及我们与 WHMCS 的合作伙伴关系,以帮助更好地在两端自动化 API,为您提供无缝体验。
Q.您认为当今域名经销商面临的最大挑战是什么,CentralNic Reseller 如何帮助克服这一挑战?


域名选项的激增以及管理域名组合和相关服务的日益复杂加剧了这一挑战。CentralNic Reseller 提供增值服务,保持有竞争力的价格,并确保高水平的客户服务脱颖而出。

CentralNic Reseller 使其合作伙伴能够专注于增长和客户服务,而不是因域名转售业务的运营复杂性而陷入困境。我们全面的支持系统使经销商能够在竞争激烈的市场中有效竞争。



我更喜欢 Domain Incite 和 Domain Name Wire,因为它们在分享域名行业的见解、趋势和新闻方面广受推崇。这些资源对于任何希望了解域名领域内最新发展、投资机会和策略的人来说都非常有价值。

Q. 想象一下 CentralNic Reseller 会有一个吉祥物。它会是什么,为什么?

如果 CentralNic Reseller 有一个吉祥物,它可以是一只名叫“Cenri”的聪明、友好且精通技术的猫头鹰。选择猫头鹰作为吉祥物将象征着一些关键技能。拥有全球影响力的智慧和知识,再加上我们的夜视能力,使我们能够看到 Domain 行业的所有机会。

这个富有启发性的问答突出了使 CentralNic Reseller 在动态域名行业中脱颖而出的独特方面。Oliver Fries 分享了关于我们的全球影响力、量身定制的解决方案和创新基础设施的宝贵见解。我们希望这次对话能让您了解推动我们成功的专业知识和热情。请继续关注 CentralNic 经销商团队的更多见解!

Q&A With Oliver Fries, Head of Engineering

Welcome to another insightful edition of our Q&A series, where we delve into the experiences and perspectives of the brilliant minds driving our success. In this installment, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Oliver Fries, Head of Engineering.

Join us as we explore his views on what makes CentralNic Reseller a standout in the domain industry, the latest trends shaping the market, and the exciting projects that showcase our commitment to innovation and excellence.

Discover the unique challenges faced by domain resellers today and how CentralNic Reseller is empowering its partners to thrive in a competitive landscape.
Q. What’s something that sets CentralNic Reseller apart from other domain reselling services, in your opinion?

CentralNic Reseller stands out in the domain reselling market for several reasons, with one of the most significant differentiators being its extensive global reach and focus on local markets. CentralNic Reseller provides both all-inclusive services for customers as well as a tailored solution to customer needs.

The comprehensive Product Portfolio built on advanced technical infrastructure that goes along with outstanding support makes it unique.
Q. What is one trend or development in the domain industry that excites you the most right now and why?

One trend in the domain industry that is particularly intriguing, aside from the rise of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs), is the ongoing consolidation within the industry. This consolidation involves larger companies acquiring smaller registrars and domain service providers. This trend is reshaping the landscape of the domain industry quite significantly. Whilst this can result in enhanced services and innovation and a global reach with local expertise, it also poses challenges, such as reduced competition and potential monopolization of the market, which could lead to less favourable conditions for consumers in terms of pricing and choice. We will see how this evolves.
Q. Can you share one interesting fact about the domain reselling industry that most people may not know?

One interesting fact about the domain reselling industry that many people may not know is the “Expiry Auction” concept. This refers to a process where domain names that are about to expire or have recently expired are put up for auction before they are released back into the general pool of available domains for registration by anyone. This auction allows interested buyers to bid on the domain names, often before they officially become available for new registration again.
Q. Can you share an accomplishment or project at CentralNic Reseller that you’re particularly proud of?

On the tech side, I would like to highlight the successful move of our data centre from St. Ingbert to Frankfurt at the end of 2023, as well as the launch of a new JSON/REST API for our customers through which we are provisioning fraud detection services as well as our new Payment Orchestration.

On the Product side, it’s worth mentioning that we upgraded the Expiry Auction service, which was upgraded, and an impressive number of 50 TLDs are now supported, as well as our partnership with WHMCS to help better automate APIs at both ends to deliver a seamless experience for you.
Q. What do you think is the biggest challenge for domain resellers today and how does CentralNic Reseller help overcome this?

The biggest challenge for domain resellers today is the intense competition in the market, both from other resellers and large, established domain registrars. This competition makes it difficult for resellers to differentiate themselves, attract customers, and maintain profitability.

The proliferation of domain name options and the increasing complexity of managing domain portfolios and related services add to this challenge. CentralNic Reseller offers value-added services, maintains competitive pricing, and ensures a high level of customer service to stand out.

CentralNic Reseller enables its partners to focus on growth and customer service rather than getting bogged down by the operational complexities of the domain reselling business. Our comprehensive support system empowers resellers to compete effectively in a crowded and competitive market.
Q. What are one to two key traits or skills that you believe are essential to succeed in the domain reselling industry?

To succeed in the domain reselling industry, which is highly competitive and rapidly evolving, certain key traits or skills are essential. One is about market knowledge and trends analysis. Understanding the domain market, including current trends and future predictions, is crucial.

On the other hand, state-of-the-art technology combined with outstanding customer service and relationship building is also essential. This involves excellent communication skills, a deep understanding of customers’ needs, and the ability to tailor services to meet those needs.
Q. In your downtime, what domain-related blogs, podcasts, or news sources do you enjoy to stay updated and why?

I prefer Domain Incite and Domain Name Wire as they are well-regarded for sharing insights, trends, and news in the domain industry. These resources are valuable for anyone looking to stay updated on the latest developments, investment opportunities, and strategies within the domain space.
Q. What is your favorite domain name and why?

I don’t have that one favourite domain name. However, I like domain names that are short and memorable as well as descriptive.
Q. Imagine CentralNic Reseller were to have a mascot. What would it be and why?

If CentralNic Reseller were to have a mascot, it could be a wise, friendly, and technologically savvy owl named “Cenri.” Choosing an owl as a mascot would symbolize some of the critical skills. Having wisdom and knowledge along a global reach paired with our night vision ability allows us to see all the opportunities in the Domain Industry.

This enlightening Q&A has highlighted the unique aspects that set CentralNic Reseller apart in the dynamic domain industry. Oliver Fries has shared valuable insights into our global reach, tailored solutions, and innovative infrastructure. We hope this conversation has provided a glimpse into the expertise and passion driving our success. Stay tuned for more insights from the CentralNic Reseller team!