
2022年11月10日 | 分类: 域名注册服务商



With RegisterFly in Chaos, ICANN Threatens Action
随着 RegisterFly 陷入混乱,ICANN 威胁采取行动

23rd February, 2007


陷入困境的域名注册商RegisterFly如果无法在未来15天内解决严重的运营问题,将失去认证。ICANN 已通知这家总部位于新泽西州的注册商,在 RegisterFly 客户投诉数月后,它违反了其运营协议,并威胁要采取执法行动 (PDF)。该注册商的运营本周陷入混乱,其网站因指控前总裁兼首席执行官滥用公司资金而瘫痪。


RegisterFly的母公司Unified Names提起的诉讼将崩溃归咎于总裁兼首席执行官凯文·麦地那(Kevin Medina)滥用公司资金,后者被公司董事会解雇。该诉讼称,梅迪纳将公司资金用于吸脂手术和护送服务。“在他被解雇后,梅迪纳先生删除了电子邮件帐户,访问支持工具以及我们的风险/计费部门发布退款的权限,”RegisterFly的Glenn Stansbury在客户抗议网站 发布的一份声明中表示。据报道,RegisterFly还更改了其Web服务器的root密码以防止破坏。

使情况复杂化的事实是,RegisterFly是ICANN认可的注册商,但已将其大部分域名注册为Demand Media拥有的eNom的经销商。

这些问题可以追溯到 2006 年 2 月,当时 ICANN 注册服务商联络员 Tim Cole 通知 eNom 有指控称 RegisterFly 更改了客户的 WHOIS 联系数据,将其替换为“故意不准确的数据”,并且这一行为可能构成对 eNom 自己的认证协议的潜在违反。“目前,ICANN与eNom确认,任何通过eNom认证赞助的注册名称 – 即使通过RegisterFly作为经销商进行处理 – 都是eNom的责任,”ICANN的信中指出。

对于购买这些转售域名的数十万客户来说,这将是个好消息。RegisterFly根据自己的认证发布的大约880,000个域名的命运不太清楚。与Medina共同创立该公司的新总裁兼首席执行官John Naruszewicz表示,他正试图重建公司的客户服务运营,并使网站再次运行。“我个人承诺我所有的个人资产来实现这一切,”Naruszewicz在公司的声明中说。“我已经抵押了我的房子,利用了所有资产,并且正处于获得大额信用证的阶段,以使这家公司正常发展。周四晚些时候,一些域名所有者报告说他们能够成功登录并管理他们的域名。

除了域名注册业务外,RegisterFly还于11月开始以一年证书9.99美元的最低价格颁发SSL证书,经销商的购买价格为6.99美元。浏览器继续支持FlySSL证书,但该公司的认证实践声明 – 概述证书颁发机构在颁发SSL证书时使用的做法的文档 – 现在返回404。更糟糕的是,RegisterFly自己的SSL证书于2月16日到期,因此尝试登录其管理面板的客户会收到有关证书问题的浏览器警告,这很难让人对RegisterFly作为证书颁发者的稳定性充满信心。

发表者 Rich Miller in Domains

Embattled domain registrar RegisterFly will lose its accreditation if it can’t fix serious operational problems in the next 15 days. ICANN has informed the New Jersey-based registrar that it is in breach of its operating agreement, threatening enforcement action (PDF) after months of complaints from RegisterFly customers. The registrar’s operations have descended into chaos this week, with its web site paralyzed amid allegations that the former president and CEO misused company funds.

As the company’s principals battle one another, thousands of domain names have been caught in the crossfire. RegisterFly says that at least 75,000 customer domains expired as a direct result of the company’s financial and management problems. RegisterFly is also an SSL certificate authority, making its stability an issue for about 460 site owners who are currently securing sites with FlySSL certificates.

A lawsuit filed by RegisterFly’s parent company, Unified Names, blames the meltdown on misuse of company funds by President and CEO Kevin Medina, who was fired by the company’s board. The suit alleges that Medina spent company funds on liposuction surgery and escort services. “After his termination, Mr. Medina deleted email accounts, access to support tools, and access for our risk/billing department to issue refunds,” RegisterFly’s Glenn Stansbury said in a statement posted at, a customer protest site. RegisterFly is also reported to have changed the root password of its web server to prevent sabotage.

Complicating the situation is the fact that RegisterFly is an ICANN-accredited registrar, but has registered the majority of its domains as a reseller for eNom, which is owned by Demand Media.

The problems date to February 2006, when ICANN registrar liaison Tim Cole informed eNom of allegations that RegisterFly had altered customers’ WHOIS contact data, replacing it with “intentionally inaccurate data,” and that this action could constitute a potential breach of eNom’s own accreditation agreement. “At this time, ICANN confirmed with eNom that any registered names sponsored through eNom’s accreditation – even if processed through RegisterFly as a reseller – are eNom’s responsibility,” the ICANN letter notes.

That will be good news to the hundreds of thousands of customers who bought those resold domains. The fate of the approximately 880,000 domains issued by RegisterFly under its own accreditation is less clear. New president and CEO John Naruszewicz, who co-founded the company with Medina, says he is trying to rebuild the company’s customer service operation and get the web site working again. “I have personally pledged all of my personal assets to make all of this happen,” Naruszewicz said in the company’s statement. “I’ve mortgaged my home, leveraged all assets, and am in the stages of securing large letters of credit to bring this company forward properly.” Late Thursday, some domain owners were reporting that they were able to successfully log in and manage their domains.

In addition to its domain name registration business, RegisterFly also began issuing SSL certificates in November at rock-bottom pricing of $9.99 for a one-year certficiate, with a $6.99 buy rate for resellers. FlySSL certificates continue to be supported by browsers, but the company’s Certification Practice Statement – a document outlining the practices a certificate authority uses in issuing SSL certificates – now returns a 404. Even worse, RegisterFly’s own SSL certificate expired on Feb. 16, so customers attempting to log in to their management panel receive a browser warning of a certificate problem, which hardly instills confidence in RegisterFly’s stability as a certificate issuer.

Posted by Rich Miller in Domains

Go Daddy 假设 850,000 个 RegisterFly 域名
Go Daddy Assumes 850,000 RegisterFly Domains


29th May, 2007


“我们与 ICANN 合作,将 RegisterFly 域名迁移到,并帮助那些陷入困境的客户,” 首席执行官兼创始人鲍勃·帕森斯说。“这是许多RegisterFly客户要求我们做的事情。在转移到 后,所有RegisterFly客户将再次能够放心地管理和续订他们的域名,并将享受我们为所有客户提供的世界级支持。我们预计搬迁将在下周完成。

ICANN 总裁兼首席执行官 Paul Twomey 博士表示:“RegisterFly 的情况极其困难,首先是注册人以及整个注册管理机构和注册服务机构社群。“ 协议是RegisterFly客户的最佳解决方案,因为它是直接和自动转移到一个有能力和经验丰富的客户服务导向的组织。

Go Daddy表示,它现在管理着超过2000万个域名,超过400万客户使用其域名注册,网站托管,SSL证书和相关产品。


RegisterFly所有权问题的解决并没有解决其运营问题。ICANN剥夺了RegisterFly的认证,但不得不诉诸法院诉讼,迫使Medina接受转让给另一家注册商。周五,美国地方法院法官曼努埃尔·L·雷亚尔(Manuel L. Real)对RegisterFly发出了永久禁令,为今天的转移扫清了道路。

发表者 Rich Miller in Domains

Embattled registrar RegisterFly will transfer 850,000 domain names to, the world’s largest domain registrar under an agreement brokered by ICANN, the parties announced today. The move will be welcome news to domain owners who have been unable to manage their names since RegisterFly collapsed into financial and management turmoil in February.

“We worked with ICANN to effect a migration of the RegisterFly domains to and help those customers left in limbo,” said CEO and Founder Bob Parsons. “It’s what many RegisterFly customers asked us to do. After they are moved over to, all RegisterFly customers will once again be able to manage and renew their domain names with confidence and will also enjoy the world-class support we provide all our customers. We expect the move to be completed over the next week.”

“The RegisterFly situation has been extremely difficult — first and foremost for registrants, as well as for the entire registry and registrar community,” said Dr Paul Twomey, ICANN’s President and CEO. “The agreement is the best possible solution for RegisterFly customers since it’s a direct and automatic transfer to a competent and experienced customer service oriented organization.”

Go Daddy says it now manages more than 20 million domain names, and more than 4 million customers using its domain name registration, Web site hosting, SSL certificates and related products.

RegisterFly’s web site management system stopped working properly in February during a business dispute between company founder Kevin Medina and business partner John Naruzewicz, who claimed that he owned 50 percent of RegisterFly and said the company’s board had fired Medina. At the direction of “new CEO” Naruzewicz, the company filed a lawsuit accusing Medina of mismanagement and misuse of company funds. Medina denied all charges, saying he remained the sole owner of RegisterFly. A Newark, N.J. court agreed, awarding sole control of the company to Medina.

The resolution of RegisterFly’s ownership issues didn’t resolve its operational problems. ICANN stripped RegisterFly of its accreditation, but had to resort to court action to force Medina to accept a transfer to another registrar. On Friday United States District Court Judge Manuel L. Real issued a permanent injunction against RegisterFly, clearing the way for today’s transfer.

Posted by Rich Miller in Domains